Scroll of Hypnotic Pattern

From DDO Compendium
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Scroll of Hypnotic Pattern Icon.pngScroll of Hypnotic Pattern
UMD Difficulty: 24
No UMD Check For: Wiz 3, Sor 4, Wlk 4, Brd 4
Minimum Level: 1
Spell Hypnotic Pattern Icon.pngHypnotic Pattern
Target: Foe, Positional
Duration: 30 Seconds
School: Illusion (Mind-affecting)
Spell Resistance: Yes
A twisting patter of subtle, shifting color weaves through the air, fascinating targets within it. A successful Will save negates this effect. Creatures exposed to this effect have their will save momentarily weakened by three.
Caster Level: 3
A heavy sheet of fine vellum reinforced at the top and bottom with strips of leather, covered with arcane writing.
Base Value: 15 Platinum 0.10 lbs
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