
From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 13:59, 30 August 2022 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)
|name =
|type =
|minlevel =
|umd =
|noumdfor =
|binding =
|enchantments =
|description =
|droplocation =
|material =
|hardness =
|durability =
|update =
|details =
|upgradeable =
|icon =
|bug =
|replaced =
|weight =
|basevalue =


This template is used to render information about a wand, scroll or potion. Example of the Template in Use: Eternal Wand of Finger of Fire.


Parameter Documentation
nameThe name of the caster.
typeEnter the type of item.
Possible Values:
  • Wand
  • Scroll
  • Potion
minlevelEnter the minimum level required for the wand, or leave blank if there is none.
umdThe UMD required for use.
noumdforClasses that don't require a UMD check.
bindingHow is this item bound - leave blank it is unbound.
Possible Values:
  • btc for Bound to Character
  • bta for Bound to Account
  • btcoe for Bound to Character on Equip
  • btcoa for Bound to Character on Acquire
  • btaoe for Bound to Account on Equip
  • btaoa for Bound to Account on Acquire
enchantmentsThese are a bulleted list of templates (each on its own line starting with an asterisk)

found in Enchantment Templates. If the enchantment is a one just for this item, just enter the information directly. The enchantment that is added because of the material (i.e. Flametouched

Iron) is automatically added.
descriptionEnter the description that is on the examine window at the bottom.
droplocationThis specifies information on where this drops. Use one of the drop location templates to

specify it. The list of templates can be found here: Category:DropLocation Templates. If there is more than

one, put each on its own line starting with an asterisk.
materialEnter what the item is made from (i.e. Leather, Glass, Gem, Flametouched Iron).
hardnessEnter the hardness shown in the examine window.
durabilityEnter the maximum durability value shown in the examine window.
updateWhich update was this item added to the game in.
detailsEnter any details that a player may need to know about this (i.e. if not working correctly, etc).
upgradeableIf this item is upgradeable, use Template:ItemUpgrade. If there is more than one (i.e. it is in the middle of a crafting chain), include multiple templates in a bulleted list.
iconThe icon to use for this item, overrides the image using the item name
bugContains any information about a bug related to the item. Use Template:Bug
replacedContains information about any replacement that SSG did of this weapon. Use Template:ItemReplacement
weightThis is the weight, in lbs, as shown on the examine window. The "lbs" will be added.
basevalueThis is the base value as shown in the examine window. Use Template:Price.
imageImage file, use if the image doesn't change between heroic and epic types. Do not include extension.
casterlevelThe caster level this works as
cooldownThe amount of time needed before this can be used again.
durationThe amount of time this lasts. Use Template:SpellDuration
exclusiveUse Template:Exclusive
upgradedfromA list of items this was upgraded from.
categoriesContains extra categories. Use Template:CategoryList
otherversionsOther related version (i.e. heroic vs legendary or epic, feytwisted, etc)
emptyaugmentsAny Empty augments that this item has. Use Template:EmptyAugments


Ignore any errors below this line, The errors occur because there is no input into the template, in the template itself.