Legendary Ferrocrystal Shortsword

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 19:45, 25 October 2020 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{FutureInformation|U48}}{{Template:Weapon |name = Legendary Feybane Shortsword |type = Short Sword |minlevel = 29 |absoluteminlevel = |binding = btaoa |proficiency = M...")
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The page contains information retrieved from either lamannia or the forums that is scheduled for a future release and has not been updated with what is live.

This information is scheduled to be released when U48 goes live.
File:Feybane Shortsword Icon.png Legendary Feybane Shortsword
Short Sword

Accepts Sentience
Martial Weapon Proficiency

Minimum Level: 29
Bound to Account on Acquire
Base DamageGreyQuestion.png: 46.75
Damage: 5[1d6+2]+15
Damage Types: Pierce, Lawful, Magic, Crystal
Critical Roll: 19 - 20 / x2
Attack Mod: STR
Damage Mod: STR

  • +15 Enhancement Bonus: Weapons and Shields: +15 Enhancement Bonus Attack and Damage rolls. Armor and Shields: +15 enhancement bonus to Armor Class.
  • Feybane 9: This weapon deals 9d10 Bane damage against Fey.
  • Acidic 9: This weapon is sheathed in Acid. The weapon deals an additional 9d6 Acid damage each hit.
  • Axomatic 9:  This weapon is righteous and wielded by those who stand against chaos, dealing an addition 9d6 law damage on each hit. This effect makes the weapon lawfully aligned.
  • [[File:{{{name}}}_Icon.png|link=File:{{{name}}}_Icon.png|36px|x36px|]]{{{name}}}
    Augment Bag Icon.png
    Binding: Unbound
    Augment Type:
    Slotted Effect: 

Material: This item is made out of: Crystal
Hardness: 39 Durability: 345

Base Value: 11,601 Platinum 2 lbs