Difference between revisions of "Epic Mask of Comedy"

From DDO Compendium
(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|update =5
|update =5
|details =
|details =
|upgradeable = {{ItemUpgrade|Epic Crafting|Mask of Comedy|From}}{{ItemUpgrade|Epic Crafting|Legendary Mask of Comedy||
|upgradeable = {{ItemUpgradeTable|
* {{Ingredient|Scrap of Patterned Cloth|100}}
{{ItemUpgrade2|Altar of Legendary Rituals|Legendary Mask of Comedy|{{VendorIngredientList|Scrap of Patterned Cloth|100|Star Fragment|5}}}}
* {{Ingredient|Star Fragment|5}}
* {{Ingredient|Thread of Fate|250}}
* [[Mask of Comedy]]
|restriction =  
|restriction =  

Latest revision as of 20:59, 22 April 2022

Epic Mask of Comedy Icon.png Epic Mask of Comedy
Minimum Level: 20
Bound to Account on Acquire
Spell Good Hope Icon.pngGood Hope
Target: Friend, Self
Duration: 1 Minute per Caster Level
School: Enchantment (Compulsion)(Mind-affecting)
Instills powerful hope, giving a +2 morale bonus to attack, saves, abilities, skills, and weapon damage.
Caster Level: 20
3 / 3 Charges(Recharged/Day: 3)
  • Charisma +9: Passive: +9 Enhancement bonus to Charisma.
  • Healing Lore +16%: Passive: Your Healing spells gain a +16% Equipment bonus to their chance to Critical Hit.
  • Devotion +111: Passive: +111 Equipment bonus to Positive Spell Power.
  • Potency +73: Passive: +73 Equipment Bonus to All Types of Spell Power. (Universal Spell Power is a different statistic.)
Yellow Augment Slot: Empty

Material: This item is made out of: Leather
Hardness: 25 Durability: 210

A mask crafted for and used by the actors of Livewood Theater. It represents happiness and high spirits, and is invested with magic match.

Base Value: 8,005 Platinum 0.10 lbs
Mask of Comedy.png
Where To Find: Only available via crafting
Upgraded From: