From DDO Compendium
{{Template:RuneArm |name = |type= |minlevel = |absoluteminlevel = |binding = |enchantments = |description = |droplocation = |material = |hardness = |durability = |update = |details = |upgradeable = |upgradedfrom = |icon= |image= |bug= |replaced= |weight= |basevalue= |emptyaugments= |itemsets= |otherversions= |options= }}
This template is used to render information about an rune arm. See Template:Weapon for weapons, Template:Armor for armor and Template:Shield for shields. Example of the Template in Use: Thought Spike.
Parameter Documentation | |
name | The name of the rune arm. |
type | Enter the type of item, for these it should be RuneArm |
minlevel | Enter the minimum level required for the rune arm, or leave blank if there is none. |
absoluteminlevel | Enter the minimum level required for the item if something is removed, or leave blank if there is none. |
binding | How is this rune arm bound - leave blank it is unbound. Possible Values:
enchantments | These are a bulleted list of templates (each on its own line starting with an asterisk) found in Enchantment Templates. If the enchantment is a one just for this item, just enter the information directly. The enchantment that is added because of the material (i.e. Flametouched Iron) is automatically added. |
description | Enter the description that is on the examine window at the bottom. |
droplocation | This specifies information on where this drops. Use one of the drop location templates to specify it. The list of templates can be found here: Category:DropLocation Templates. If there is more than one, put each on its own line starting with an asterisk. |
material | Enter what the item is made from (i.e. Leather, Glass, Gem, Flametouched Iron). |
hardness | Enter the hardness shown in the examine window. |
durability | Enter the maximum durability value shown in the examine window. |
update | Which update was this item added to the game in. |
details | Enter any details that a player may need to know about this (i.e. if not working correctly, etc). |
upgradeable | If this rune arm is upgradeable, use Template:ItemUpgrade. If there is more than one (i.e. it is in the middle of a crafting chain), include multiple templates in a bulleted list. |
icon | The icon to use for this item, overrides the image using the item name |
image | Image file, use if the image doesn't change between heroic and epic types. Do not include extension. |
bug | Contains any information about a bug related to the item. Use Template:Bug |
replaced | Contains information about any replacement that SSG did of this weapon. Use Template:ItemReplacement |
weight | This is the weight, in lbs, as shown on the examine window. The "lbs" will be added. |
basevalue | This is the base value as shown in the examine window. Use Template:Price. |
emptyaugments | Any Empty augments that this item has. Use Template:EmptyAugments |
itemsets | The item sets that this item has. Use Template:ItemSetList |
otherversions | Other related version (i.e. heroic vs legendary or epic, feytwisted, etc) |
options | Use Template:ItemOptions, displays options about the item |
upgradedfrom | A list of items this was upgraded from. |
Ignore any errors below this line, The errors occur because there is no input into the template, in the template itself.