Robe of the Warblade's Reflection

From DDO Compendium
Robe 3 Icon.png Robe of the Warblade's Reflection

Minimum Level: 33
Bound to Account on Acquire
Armor Bonus: +15
  • +15 Enhancement Bonus: Weapons and Shields: +15 Enhancement Bonus Attack and Damage rolls. Armor and Shields: +15 enhancement bonus to Armor Class.
  • Accuracy +24: +24 Competence bonus to your attack rolls.
  • Deadly +12: +12 Competence bonus to weapon damage.
  • Shadow Striker: Passive: +3% Profane Bonus to Doublestrike and Doubleshot. (Doublestrike/Doubleshot is a change to score an additional hit with a melee/ranged attack.) +15% Enhancment Bonus to Melee Attack Speed. +20 Enhancemnet bonus to Ranged Attack.
  • Legendary Armor-Piercing +5%: +5% Legendary bonus to Bypass enemy fortification.
Green Augment Slot: Empty
Colorless Augment Slot: Empty
Sun Augment Slot: Empty

Material: This item is made out of: Cloth
Hardness: 35 Durability: 335

Description: This armor took the power of the deathly ritual and turned it to the Crownblade's purposes.
Base Value: 13,250 Platinum
Robe of the Warblade.png
Where To Find: Only available via crafting
Upgraded From: