Packrat's Rat Pack

From DDO Compendium
Cloak 6 Icon.png Packrat's Rat Pack
Minimum Level: 4
Bound to Account on Acquire
  • Dodge +3%: Passive: +3% bonus to Dodge.
  • Insightful Dodge +1%: Passive: +1% Insight bonus to Dodge.
  • Dusk: Equipping this item engulfs you in twilight shadows. Enemies have a 10% chance to miss due to concealment.
  • Natural Armor +3: Passive: +3 Natural Armor bonus to Armor Class.
  • +5 Carrying Capacity: You gain a +5 Enhancement Bonus to Carrying Capacity, increasing your Carrying Capacity as if you had an additional +5 Enhancement Bonus to Strength.
Blue Augment Slot: Empty
Sun Augment Slot: Empty

Material: This item is made out of: Cloth
Hardness: 24 Durability: 140

The aspiring tunnel rat or sneaky scamp need look no further than the tools on this belt.

Base Value: 1,601 Platinum 0.10 lbs
Where To Find: The Knife's Edge (Heroic), End Chest
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