Legendary Echoes of Night

From DDO Compendium
Prototype I- Siren Test Icon.png Legendary Echoes of Night
Rune Arm
Feat Required: Artificer Rune Arm Use!
Minimum Level: 33
Bound to Account on Acquire
Spell Sonic Blast Icon.pngSonic Blast
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable
Duration: Instantaneous, 2d3 Seconds for the daze
School: Evocation (Sonic)
Blasts an enemy with loud high-pitched sounds, doing 2 to 7 sonic damage per caster level (up to a max of 20 to 70 damage at caster at caster level 10). The target must make a successful Will save or be dazed for a short period of time or until they take damage. This spell has double range.

Charge Tier 1: 1d6+1 + 1 per ART Level

Charge Tier 2: 2d8+3 + 1d2 per ART Level
Charge Tier 3: 3d10+6 + 1d10 per ART Level
Charge Tier 4: 4d12+10 + 2d8 per ART Level
Charge Tier 5: 5d14+15 + 2d10 per ART Level

  • Maximum Charge Tier: V: The maximum charge tier of this Rune Arm is Tier V.
  • Resonance +156: Passive: +156 Equipment bonus to Sonic Spell Power.
  • Sonic Lore +23%: Passive: Your Sonic spells gain a +23% Equipment bonus to their chance to Critical Hit.
  • Rune Arm Focus +6: Passive: +6 Equipment bonus to DC of Rune Arms.
  • Rune Arm Recharge Rate +30%: This Rune Arm has a 30% Enhancement bonus to its Charge Rate.
  • Rune Arm Imbue: Sonic VI: Wearing this Rune Arm will imbue any weapon you wield, dealing 2d10 sonic damage per hit. This damage scales with 200% Melee or Ranged Power (whichever is higher).
Green Augment Slot: Empty
Yellow Augment Slot: Empty

Material: This item is made out of: Gem
Hardness: 43 Durability: 535

Description: The sound from this arm cannon echoes into the night, haunting all those who hear it.
Base Value: 27,225 Platinum0.25 lbs
Where To Find: The Knife's Edge (Legendary), End Chest
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