Gratuitous Violence
From DDO Compendium
Other Members of the Spectre Race[edit]
- Adorgar the Grudgebearer
- Argenti
- Awakened Specter
- Bernt Soren
- Burns-The-Soul
- Canton Parthilcar
- Dontre Lebram
- Dragonmarked Ex-Pirate
- Eternal Wanderer
- Fallen Champion
- Garl the Grey
- Geryon
- Guard Jobari
- High Priest Telarras
- Janos Porthak
- Johansen Brigg
- Kalbir
- Kavan the Blood Spear
- Kristopher Sint
- Lord Halas Tarkanan
- Lost Soul (Spectre)
- Midnight Kiss
- Myriel Everborn
- Nursemaid
- Oglethorpe the Prospector
- Oleg Lipsiege
- Omaren Deathguard
- Omaren Executioner
- Omaren Sentinel
- Phlegyas
- Protector of the Seal
- Rudi Sparn
- Soulless One
- Spectre of Calla
- Thanolin
- Tireless Spectre
- Twin Greater Guardian
- Ulmer Bloodpenny
- Vladimir Horngaard
- Willowthorn Lightfoot
- Ancient Drow Slave
- Drifting Scourge
- Drifting Scourge Mage
- Enraged Specter
- Flamebound Sacrificer (Spectre)
- Gloaming Spirit
- Infernal Warrior (Spectre)
- Mournland Glass Spider
- Mournland Specter
- Phantom Archer
- Phantom Warrior
- Priest of Damnation (Spectre)
- Restless Soul
- Revenant
- Scornful Specter
- Smuggler Guardian
- Spectral Guardian
- Spectre
- Spirit of the Monastery
- Tormented Dream
- Tormented Souls
- Tormented Spirit
- Twisted Soul
- Wailing Specter