Category:Monsters with Lawful Evil Alignment
The lawful evil alignment is the methodical, intentional, and frequently successful devotion to a cruel organized system.
Lawful evil characters methodically took what they want in life within the limits of their personally held beliefs. While they care about tradition, loyalty, and order they have little to no regard for the freedom, dignity or overall lives of others. They are comfortable within a hierarchy, willing to serve in an attempt to gain more power.
These people play by the rules, albeit without mercy or compassion, and only obey laws out of fear of punishment. While they wouldn't break a promise, they seldom "gave their word" or put themselves on the line, unless it would clearly help them come out ahead. Many lawful evil characters have personal codes of conduct that they self-justifiably circumvented, such as not personally taking a life in cold blood, but have underlings that kill without discretion. These "rules" served their selfish, twisted view on morality.
Pages in category "Monsters with Lawful Evil Alignment"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,100 total.
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- A'tchkar
- Abector of Vol
- Admiral Ancker
- Adorgar the Grudgebearer
- Adran ir'Karsmore
- Agatha Anviliron
- Aging Sahuagin Warrior
- Agorthony
- Agradoxes
- Aima
- Ajakstu
- Akhom
- Amahte
- Amber Temple Hellhound
- Amrog, the Gatewarden
- Ancient Beholder
- Ancient Drow Slave
- Ancient Flayer
- Ancient Quell
- Ancient Wheep
- Annelisa Hdar
- Anogoreth
- Apprentice of Vol (Elf)
- Arcane Blackbone
- Arcane Skeleton
- Arcane Skeleton (Night Revels)
- Archer
- Archmage Lathornal
- Archmage Leslie Wobblewheel
- Arilu
- Arkasic Dryden
- Arkelon
- Armisos
- Armored Beholder
- Armored Wight
- Arraetrikos
- Artie
- Arzag-Khor Adept
- Arzag-Khor Berserker
- Arzag-Khor Bowman
- Arzag-Khor Loremaster
- Arzag-Khor Pikeman
- Arzag-Khor Sentry
- Arzag-Khor Shaman
- Arzag-Khor Warmage
- Ashok Khalidan
- Aspidon
- Assault Portal
- Auraxyllon
- Aurgloroasa
- Aurgus Blackstone
- Aurum Agent
- Aurum Concordian
- Aurum Soldier
- Aurum Supply Master
- Aussircaex
- Avarice
- Avaritia
- Bairger
- Baktor
- Baldrasan
- Bane Captain Bluebeard
- Bane Captain Jocasta the Plunderer
- Barbazu
- Barbazu Sergeant
- Barbazu Shock Trooper
- Barnzidu
- Barris Bluebeard Amanatu
- Bazdor
- Bearded Devil
- Bearded Devil Invader
- Bearded Devil Skirmisher
- Bearded Devil Trooper
- Beholder
- Beholder Boozer
- Beholder Fleshmender
- Beholder Priest
- Bekenkhonsu
- Bellisandra Tidy
- Benny the Hand
- Bezeek
- Bezekira
- Birzahl
- Black Abishai
- Black Abishai Invader
- Black Bile Eater
- Black Scale Kobold Fighter
- Black Scale Kobold Shaman
- Blackbone Knight
- Blackbone Kyudoka
- Blackbone Marksman
- Blackbone Ronin
- Blackbone Skeletal Warrior
- Blackbone Thrall
- Blackbone Wu Jen
- Blackpaw
- Blademaster Chagg
- Blaze ar'Rhind (Monster)
- Blood of Vol Death Knight
- Blood of Vol Devotee
- Blood of Vol Follower
- Blood of Vol Priestess
- Blood Plate
- Blood Tide Archer (Hobgoblin)
- Blood Tide Pirate
- Blood Tide Skulker
- Bloodrock Medusa
- Blue Abishai
- Blue Abishai Intruder
- Blue Abishai Invader
- Bluebell
- Boatswain (Kobold)
- Boatswain Jared
- Bolal
- Bororo Orehelm
- Boss Jittik
- Box
- Bram Brimstone
- Breknal
- Brine
- Brinky
- Bron Featherstorm
- Brother Nerezza
- Brunhilde Firegout
- Buddy
- Burns-The-Soul
- Callin Fornan
- Callum
- Cannith Head Security Officer
- Cannith Rebel Guard
- Cannith Support Artificer
- Cannith Technician
- Canton Parthilcar
- Captain Borth
- Captain Razor
- Captain Silverlance
- Captain Suryon
- Captain Thoth
- Carnage Reaper
- Carnival Exhibit
- Cartel Burglar (Halfling)
- Cartel Sentry (Dwarf)
- Cartel Smuggler (Elf)
- Cartel Smuggler (Halfling)
- Cebruvass
- Cellar Spirit
- Cellimas Villuhne (Human)
- Cellimas Villuhne (Monster)
- Cenodoxus
- Cerik Thens
- Champion Guptrak
- Champion Krazna
- Champion Nartrar
- Champion Prantag
- Champion Tarkar
- Chaos Beholder
- Charlatan (Monster)
- Charoush the Vizier
- Checroun
- Chef Ernest
- Chef Kraskuth
- Chief Makka
- Chief Yarkuch
- Chieftain Arzag-Khor
- Chieftain Kanguil
- Chieftain Uggorn
- Chime
- Citrine
- Cloven-Jaw Scout
- Cloven-Jaw Veteran
- Cloven-Jaw Warlord
- Colonel Baktazudes
- Colonel Nuthdronu
- Colonel Yagora
- Colvis Hammercrush
- Commander Armuz
- Condemned Trapsmith (Halfling)
- Conjoined Abishai Devastator
- Conjured Bearded Devil
- Copper Concord Rogue
- Cox
- Crean
- Crippler Bigfoot
- Cult Adherent
- Cult Canonist
- Cult Disciple
- Cult Invoker
- Cult of the Dragon Assassin
- Cult of the Dragon Deathlord
- Cult of the Dragon Devotee
- Cult of the Dragon Initiate
- Cult of the Dragon Necromancer
- Cult Seeker
- Cult Shaman
- Cult Warden
- Cursed Ritualist
- Cutthroat
- Cyclone