Eternal Wand of Nimbus of Light (CL 5 Version)

From DDO Compendium
Eternal Wand of Nimbus of Light Icon.png+5 Eternal Wand of Nimbus of Light
UMD Difficulty: 20
No UMD Check For: Cleric, Dark Apostate, Favored Soul
Minimum Level: 1
Bound to Character on Acquire
Spell Nimbus of Light Icon.pngNimbus of Light
Target: Foe, Directional, Breakable
Duration: Instantaneous
School: Evocation
A glittering corona of light coalesces around your outstretched arm, dealing 1 to 6 points of light damage per caster level, maximum caster level 15. This ray has double range.
Caster Level: 5
50 / 50 Charges(Recharged/Day: 50)

Material: This item is made out of: Wood
Hardness: 10 Durability: 25

A thin rod of blackened wood containing charges of the Nimbus of Light spell. Eternal wands recharge over time if they are not actively being used.
Base Value: 500 Platinum 0.10 lbs
Eternal Wand of Nimbus of Light.png
Where To Find: Only available via crafting
Location Item Cost
Joe CandymakerRightArrowWithQuestion Icon.pngCL 7
120x Darkest Chocolate
80x Shadowy Caramel
40x Black Apple
Upgraded From: