The Lost Thread
From DDO Compendium
Mystra, the Goddess of Magic, vanished years ago, causing the Spellplague. Since then her temples have been left empty and abandoned.
OverviewThere have been a lot of undead roaming the King's Forest since the Drow got closer. Word has come to Barana that Necromancers have taken over a cemetery in an abandoned village. You should go there and not only stop the undead, but stop the Necromancers from creating more. |
Named Loot |
Bonus XP
Pack: Menace of the Underdark Arc: Menace of the Underdark: The Darkening |
Flag for: The Battle for Eveningstar |
Epic Level: 21 Bestowed by: Cormul Haythorne |
Length: Medium Takes Place in: Abandoned Temple Found in: Eveningstar Entrance in: The King's Forest |
Epic XPCasual: 9,989Normal: 17,214 Hard: 17,778 Elite: 18,342 Reaper: 113 RXP per skull |
FavorPatron: Purple Dragon KnightsSolo/Casual: 4 Normal: 8 Hard: 16 Elite: 24 |
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SagasPerils of Cormyr (Epic)Menace of the Underdark |
Known TrapsBear traps in secret passageway in the first hallFire jet traps in the secret passage in first hall Fire Spell wards in the lever room Evil Spell Wards in the lever room Evil Spell Wards on the ramp up room with Ana Bear traps around the chest behind the secret door in hall after Ana |
LocksLocked door to slave cells |
- The Battle for Eveningstar Flagging Quests
- Quests Bestowed in Eveningstar
- Perils of Cormyr (Epic) Quests
- Menace of the Underdark (Saga) Quests
- Quests with Traps
- Quests with Locks
- Update 14 Quests
- Quests Included with Menace of the Underdark (Pack)
- Level 21 Quests
- Epic Difficulty Quests
- Quest with Entrance in The King's Forest
DDO > Questing > Quests > Flagging Quests > The Battle for Eveningstar Flagging Quests
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests by Adventure Pack > Quests Included with Menace of the Underdark (Pack)
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests by Difficulty > Epic Difficulty Quests
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests by Entrance Location > Quest with Entrance in The King's Forest
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests by Level > Level 21 Quests
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests by Location Bestowed > Quests Bestowed in Eveningstar
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests by Saga > Menace of the Underdark (Saga) Quests
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests by Saga > Perils of Cormyr (Epic) Quests
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests by Update > Update 14 Quests
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests with Locks
DDO > Questing > Quests > Quests with Traps
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