Reaver's Reach 3 Hour Guest Pass

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Reaver's Reach 3 Hour Guest Pass Icon.pngReaver's Reach 3 Hour Guest Pass
Guest Pass
Minimum Level: 1
Bound to Account on Acquire
Spell Bestow Guest Pass Icon.pngBestow Guest Pass
Target: Friend
School: Conjuration
Grants a friend temporary access to a content module that you already have access to.

When bestowed, the guest pass will be in an availabnle state on the guest until he or she first enteres the module. Once they enter, the allotted time will begin to count down and will only pause while they are logged out.

If the pass expires while they are in the module, they will not be kicked out and can finish their current quest, but may be unable to enter certain areas after they leave their current quest.
This guest pass allows you to give a friend 3 hours of access to this adventure pack. To bestow the pass, first drag it to the shortcut bar, target another player, and then click the pass on the shortcut bar. To enter this adventure pack and play the quests inside, your guest must be at least level 15.
Base Value: 2,000 Platinum0.01 lbs
Where To Find: DDO Store: Purchase for 40 DDOPointsIcon.png DDO Points
Store Description: This guest pass grants another player (not yourself) 180 minutes of access to the Level 17 Adventure Pack with 4 hand-crafted adventures and 44 wilderness area objectives. The timer starts when your friend enters the adventure.
Contains: Access to The Reaver's Reach Adventure Pack