Epic Cranium Cracker

From DDO Compendium
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Cranium Cracker Icon.png

Epic Cranium Cracker

Accepts Sentience
Simple Weapon Proficiency

Minimum Level: 26
Bound to Account on Acquire
Base DamageGreyQuestion.png: 29.40
Damage: 5[1d6]+7
Damage Types: Pierce, Magic
Critical Roll: 19 - 20 / x3
Attack Mod: STR
Damage Mod: STR

  • +7 Enhancement Bonus: Weapons and Shields: +7 Enhancement Bonus Attack and Damage rolls. Armor and Shields: +7 enhancement bonus to Armor Class.
  • Greater Elemental Bane: This weapon gains +4 Enhancement Bonus versus Elemental, and deals 3d6 Bane damage against them.
  • Vampirism: This weapon drains a tiny portion of the target's life force whenever it does damage.
  • Hardened Spikes: The sharp, hardened spikes on this item deal an additional 4d6 piercing damage on each hit.
  • Improved Destruction: On hit: Your target gains a stack of Armor Destruction. (-1 Penalty to Armor Class, -1% of its Fortification. 20 Second duration. Stacks up to 15 times.) This effect may trigger once every second.
  • [[File:{{{name}}}_Icon.png|link=File:{{{name}}}_Icon.png|36px|x36px|]]{{{name}}}
    Augment Bag Icon.png
    Binding: Unbound
    Augment Type:
    Slotted Effect: 

Material: This item is made out of: Wood
Hardness: 10 Durability: 100

Base Value: 2,820 Platinum 3 lbs
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