+1 Warhammer

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 15:36, 11 October 2021 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)

Warhammer 3 Icon.png

+1 Warhammer
Martial Weapon Proficiency

Base DamageGreyQuestion.png: 6.05
Damage: 1d8+1
Damage Types: Bludgeon, Magic
Critical Roll: 20 / x3
Attack Mod: STR
Damage Mod: STR

  • +1 Enhancement Bonus: Weapons and Shields: +1 Enhancement Bonus Attack and Damage rolls. Armor and Shields: +1 enhancement bonus to Armor Class.

Material: This item is made out of: Steel
Hardness: 11 Durability: 75

A large sledge with a heavy, square head. Popular among dwarves as an alternative to the axe.
Base Value: 201 Platinum 2 Gold 5 lbs