Thunder-Forged (Docent)
From DDO Compendium
Thunder-Forged is a crafting method introduced in Update 21. This crafting method uses the Magma Forge as the crafting device. This is found within The Ruins of Thunderholme and can be found in the lower levels.
This page shows the recipes for upgrading docents. To see basic information about Thunder-Forged crafting, or find links to other armors, click here.
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In addition, you may choose from one of the following recipes to upgrade Docents:
Recipe | Benefit | Cost |
Shadow Caster | Passive: +3 Profane bonus to Concentration, +1 Profane bonus to Spell DCs. | |
Shadow Disciple | Passive: +3 Profane bonus to Concentration, +1 Profane bonus to Tactical DCs. | |
Shadow Killer | Passive: +2d6 Profane bonus to Sneak Attack damage, +1 Profane bonus to Reflex Saving Throws. | |
Shadow Striker | Passive: While you have the Mithril or Adamantine Body feat, +3% Profane Bonus to Doublestrike and Doubleshot. (Doublestrike/Doubleshot is a chance to score an additional hit with a melee/ranged attack.) +15% Enhancement Bonus to Melee Attack Speed, +20% Enhancement Bonus to Ranged Attack Speed. (Iron Defenders may benefit from this effect if they have the Homunculus Adamantine Plating IV enhancement. | |
Shadow Guardian | Passive: While you have the Adamantine Body feat, 30 DR/Epic, 60 DR/Epic while below 75% Health. (Iron Defenders may benefit from this effect if they have the Homunculus Adamantine Plating IV enhancement). | |
Shadow Construct | Passive: +20 Profane bonus to Repair healing Amplification (This effect does not allow beings without any Construct traits to benefit from Repair abilities). |