
From DDO Compendium


Thunder-Forged is a crafting method introduced in Update 21. This crafting method uses the Magma Forge as the crafting device. This is found within The Ruins of Thunderholme and can be found in the lower levels.

You can either travel down through the ruins, or, if you have flagged for Temple of the Deathwyrm raid, you can talk to Ingrith Icefell in The Thunder Peaks, and she will teleport you there.

Crafting Ingredients[edit]

Thunder-Forged crafting uses ingredients that are mostly found within The Ruins of Thunderholme, or the raids found there. Below is a list of ingredients:


You can create several base weapons and an Orb using the Magma Forge. Each of the weapons requires:

The following weapons/shields can be created:

Weapon Upgrades[edit]

Weapons and Orbs can be upgrade three times. Each upgrade gives a set of enchantments, and then a separate one you pick when selecting a crafting recipe. Recipes are different for each style of weapon (One-Handed, Two-Handed or Orb). The links below go to specific pages for each type of weapon.


You can create one of each type of armor using Magma Forge. Each of the different armors require:

The following armor can be created:

Armor Upgrades[edit]

Armor can be updated once. Not all updates are available for each armor type. Click on the specific links below to see what updates are available for each armor type: