Syndicate Swashbuckler (Human)
From DDO Compendium
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Other Members of the Human (Monster) Race[edit]
- +Severlin
- Abector of Vol
- Aeducan Gobban
- Aerele
- Agartha the Breaker
- Agent Westbrooke
- Ajakstu
- Amskar
- Annelisa
- Annelisa Hdar
- Anscolm the Fervid
- Apprentice Assembler
- Apprentice Enchanter
- Aramiya Troise
- Archmage Lathornal
- Archwizard Ca'thul
- Athea Troise
- Baba Lysaga (Quest Boss)
- Baba Lysaga (Raid Boss)
- Barkinar
- Benny the Hand
- Bloody Bjorn
- Boatswain Jared
- Bonifal Kez
- Bora Canna
- Borgo the Scrounger
- Boris Targolov
- Branson Blackboot
- Brother Qessul, Dark Cleric
- Burket
- Calefax the Mad
- Cannith Head Security Officer
- Captain Eulford
- Captain Howell Goldhorn
- Captain Keira
- Captain Michael Tew
- Captain Sigurd Snake-Eyes
- Captain Thoth
- Carnival Challenger
- Cellimas Villuhne (Human)
- Cellimas Villuhne (Monster)
- Chief Tur'realyn
- Claive the Carver
- Collaborator
- Collared Ana Brabener
- Collared Cormyr War Wizard
- Collared Purple Dragon Knight
- Commander Tarkor
- Commodore Alaina
- Commoner (The Suspect)
- Cormyrean Magistrate
- Corrupt Archdruid
- Daegon
- Damsel in Distress
- Dareon Krenner
- Darobard
- Darstil Vurusk
- Dedryk Black
- Devian Trell
- Devourer Warpriest
- Devout Doppelganger
- Dheren Kiettuc
- Dirge of Karrnath (Monster)
- Disciple of Shar
- Doctor Theia Vulcana
- Doctor Will Ewe Rushmore
- Dolthin
- Dom
- Donner Gosling
- Doppleganger
- Draeton
- Dragonsoul Arms Keeper
- Dread Captain Crimson Anne
- Dread Dinosaur Trainer
- Dread Pirate Apprentice Tamer
- Dread Pirate Captain
- Dread Pirate Marine
- Dread Pirate Quartermaster
- Dread Pirate Roberts
- Dreadlord Giddeon
- Drenyl Fallow
- Drien
- Eanwulf
- Eidolon Darkmist
- Eleonora Duboix
- Eoman Gallius
- Ernst Larnak
- Eye of Vecna
- Ezkir Taromor
- Falrinth
- Fiona Wachter
- Flinbeck
- Flora Reynard
- Foul Frithoff
- Galdrinn Fisk
- Garick
- Gaston Wyrst
- Giv Chromar
- Glasvryn Tal
- Gnaghi Ugnot
- Golem Assembler
- Golem Enchanter
- Gorbin Stansworth
- Grand Ritualist Kathul Sep
- Guard Captain Tractus
- Guard Folger
- Guard Prosser
- Guardsman
- Haas Mazin
- Halsaime
- Halvro Tummulton
- Hand of Vecna
- Hans Ulbrek
- Hartsch
- Heart of Vecna
- Hidden Hand Master Tamer
- Hidden Hand Thief
- Hieronymus
- High Priest
- Hired Hand
- Hosha Sollego
- Icar
- Ilmarin Tychonn
- Inquisitor Lightbringer (Monster)
- Inspired Elite Trooper
- Inspired Mender
- Inspired Sorcerer
- Iztaran Gar
- Jacoby Drexelhand (Human)
- Jaer the Survivor
- Jannek
- Jianna Shaye
- John Heysel-Bright
- Karissa the Knife
- Karl Wachter
- Karleth
- Karrnathi Apprentice
- Kay'lis of the Rattling Bones
- Keldan Shadeskein
- Kelno the Prefect
- Khikoa
- Klaus
- Kondo Solanum
- Kora Catt
- Kornan Gaan
- Kuldail Ukien
- Kuttar
- Larres
- Lars Enni
- Leif Graves
- Mage Commander Haley
- Magus Winfred
- Major Mal
- Marideth
- Master of the Hounds
- Melith
- Mentau
- Miior
- Minerva Zakkas
- Molnm
- Ne'er-do-well
- Necromancer
- Ned Shakeshaft
- Nerals
- Netherese Archwizard
- Netheril Spymaster
- Newell Barret
- Nichts Volpe
- Nikolai Wachter
- Nil (Monster)
- Noqan Viis
- Orlanthe
- Pirate Captain Black-Sheep Omaren
- Pirate Captain Goldhorn
- Porto Troise
- Portrait of Strahd
- Prefect Alrrem
- Prelate Vendisto of the Six
- Priest of the Burning Heart
- Priest of the Crimson Heart
- Priest of the Immortal Heart
- Priest of the Sanguine Heart
- Punketah
- Qaspiel Mistwalker
- Quendrel
- Quickfoot Master Thief
- Quinn the Quickfoot
- Radhnik Odeen
- Raider Captain Bloodblade
- Raider Captain Trollface Thom
- Ram Gordo
- Ramsay Morcort
- Rantha
- Rebel Captain Rorick
- Red Wizard High Necromancer
- Red Wizard Necromancer
- Renegade Summoner
- Romag
- Rosemary Hargrove
- Rowan Watzun
- Sanbalet
- Sargen the Survivor
- Sarva Bellistrae
- Scarlet Brotherhood Channeler
- Scratchy Cranshaw
- Selgoth Zun
- Senshock
- Shai
- Sharn Lieutenant
- Silver Flame Templar
- Sir Bluto
- Sir Chadrus Thurling
- Slab the Crusher
- Slippery Ketta
- Stalman Kilm
- Stanwicke Gall
- Stone Lord
- Storna Harnwood
- Sturm Blucholtz
- Supreme Commander Hedrack
- Sycil Weatherworn
- Syndicate Enforcer
- Syndicate Magus
- Syndicate Slayer
- Taki the Survivor
- Talon Darsin
- Tamer Zanne
- Tarys
- Tashkaar
- Tegan Darsit
- Teralyn
- Tessa Vanderkliefe
- Thaalan
- Tharno
- The Ghost Flame
- Theodas Riveron
- Thomren
- Thramont the Watchful
- Thun Erlang
- Torkaar
- Toven d'Cannith (Monster)
- Triste Blackwold
- Tulla Chymbal
- Twinight
- Udo
- Valencia
- Vargas Vallakovich
- Vasiliy Ivanych
- Vaspar Danville
- Vaultner
- Very Important Pirate
- Viktor Vallakovich
- Vilnius
- Vorinar Gall
- Washer Will
- Wheloon Elder (Human)
- Whisper
- Wimpell Frump
- Wyle
- Yzthmeth
- Zastra
- Zaul Tasz
- Zeligat
- Zelnath the Red-handed
- Zhentarim Archwizard
- Acolyte of Flame (Human)
- Acolyte of Vol (Human)
- Adventurous Eater
- Apprentice Dread Pirate
- Apprentice Fleshwright
- Arcanist
- Archer
- Ardent Sands Cannoneer
- Ardent Sands Marauder
- Ardent Sands Sailor
- Aureon Tower Guard
- Bandit Arcane Trickster
- Bandit Archer
- Bandit Bard
- Bandit Shaman
- Bandit Skirmisher
- Bandit Sneak
- Bandit Trapper
- Bard-barian
- Barovian Adventurer
- Barovian Opportunist
- Barovian Vagabond
- Berserker
- Bilge Rat Pledge
- Blood Tide Archer (Human)
- Blood Tide Sailor (Human)
- Blood Tide Spy
- Blood of Vol Death Knight
- Blood of Vol Devotee
- Blood of Vol Follower
- Blood of Vol Priestess
- Bonded Deckhand
- Bored Juror
- Boromar Thug
- Boromar Trapper
- Broken Crown Marine
- Broken Crown Sailor (Human)
- Broken Crown Swashbuckler (Human)
- Burglar Recruit (Human)
- Cabin Boy
- Cannith Artificer
- Cannith Guard (Human)
- Cannith Guard (Lieutenant)
- Cannith Rebel Guard
- Cannith Support Artificer
- Cannith Technician
- Cartel Sentry (Human)
- Cartel Smuggler (Human)
- Casting Carnie
- City Guard
- City Guard Archer
- City Guard Officer
- Collared Villager
- Combat Carnie
- Condemned Burglar (Human)
- Condemned Deadeye
- Condemned Enforcer
- Condemned Thug
- Condemned Trapsmith (Human)
- Controlled Deneith Archer
- Controlled Deneith Defender
- Controlled Deneith Mage
- Cop
- Copper Concord Bard
- Correctional Officer
- Corrupted Druid
- Crazed Follower
- Crewmate
- Cult Adherent
- Cult Canonist
- Cult Disciple
- Cult Emissary
- Cult Invoker
- Cult Seeker
- Cult Warden
- Cult of the Dragon Assassin
- Cult of the Dragon Deathlord
- Cult of the Dragon Devotee
- Cult of the Dragon Initiate
- Cult of the Dragon Necromancer
- Cultist
- Cultist Acolyte
- Cultist Adept
- Cultist Aspirant
- Cultist Guard
- Cultist Jailer
- Cultist Postulant
- Cultist Ranger (Human)
- Cultist Spy
- Cultist Sureshot
- Cultist Thug
- Cultist of the Six
- Dar Qat Archer
- Dar Qat Assassin
- Dar Qat Captain
- Dar Qat Soldier
- Death Knight
- Death's Advocate
- Deckhand (Human)
- Delightful Gingerbread Kookie
- Deranged Follower
- Devourer Acolyte
- Devourer Disciple
- Devourer Minion
- Disciple Subduer
- Disciple of Shadow
- Dog Wrangler
- Doom Sword
- Doppleganger (Mob)
- Dragon Knight
- Dragonclaw Archer
- Dragonfang Assassin
- Dragonsoul Warrior
- Dragonwing Sorcerer
- Dread Pirate Aquamancer
- Dread Pirate Crewman
- Dread Pirate Grenadier
- Dread Pirate Lookout
- Dread Pirate Mate
- Dread Pirate Necromancer
- Dread Pirate Pale Master
- Dread Pirate Raider
- Dread Pirate Ritualist
- Dread Pirate Sneak
- Dread Pirate Sorcerer
- Dreamer Cultist
- Druid Schemer
- Drunk
- Dun Butcher
- Emerald Claw Acolyte
- Emerald Claw Arcanist
- Emerald Claw Guard
- Emerald Claw Marshal
- Emerald Claw Scourge
- Emerald Claw Sentry
- Emerald Claw Warden
- Empowered Devotee
- Enforcer
- Enforcer Recruit
- Fated Revenant
- Fathom Scientist
- Fathom Tinkerer
- Fleshwright
- Forest Trapper
- Furious Berserker
- Gang Member
- Gloomstreaker
- Golem Escort
- Gorgon Cannoneer (Human)
- Gorgon Sailor
- Graverobber
- Grim Harvester
- Grizzled Smuggler
- Hidden Hand Claw
- Hidden Hand Cleric
- Hidden Hand Fighter
- Hidden Hand Finger
- Hidden Hand Grasp
- Hidden Hand Palm
- Hidden Hand Ritualist
- Hidden Hand Sniper
- High Cultist
- Hired Ranger
- Hired Shot
- Hired Tough
- Hoodlum
- House Guard
- Human Apprentice
- Human Barbarian Shaman
- Human Brigand
- Human Commoner
- Human Fighter/Wizard
- Human Footpad
- Human Hunter
- Human Man-at-Arms
- Human Necromancer
- Human Paladin
- Human Pirate
- Human Smuggler
- Human Thug
- Human Warrior
- Imposter Syndrome
- Infernal Warrior (Human)
- Initiate of Vol
- Inspired Cultist Cleric
- Inspired Cultist Wizard
- Inspired Dar Qat Warpriest
- Laboratory Guard
- Laboratory Necromancer
- Lieutenant At Arms
- Mage
- Maldetto Disciple
- Maldetto Thrall
- Male Patient
- Malnourished Barovian Peasant
- Marauder Necromancer
- Marauder Shaman
- Marauder Skirmisher
- Marauder Sorcerer
- Marauder Temple Defender
- Marauder Temple Guardian
- Marauder Temple Necromancer
- Marauder Warrior
- Mildly Dreadful Pirate
- Mountain Folk Berserker
- Mountain Folk Hunter
- Necromancer Apprentice
- Necromancer of Vol (Human)
- Netherese Arcanist
- Netherese Mage
- Netherese Recruiter
- Netherese Summoner
- Netherese Wizard
- Night Brigade Archer
- Night Brigade Cleric
- Night Brigade Fighter
- Night Brigade Rogue
- Night Brigade Wizard
- Nspired Cultist Cleric
- Odd Stormreach Citizen
- Overworked Assistant
- Penal Officer
- Pestilent Huntsman
- Phantasmal Cook
- Phantasmal Herald
- Phantasmal Man-at-Arms
- Phantasmal Messenger
- Phantasmal Sentinel
- Phantasmal Servant
- Pirate Cannoneer (Human)
- Pirate Marauder
- Pirate Marine
- Pirate Sailor (Human)
- Pirate Swashbuckler (Human)
- Poacher
- Priest of Damnation (Human)
- Priest of Shar
- Priest of Vol (Human)
- Priestess of Shar (Human)
- Proper Barovian Peasant
- Proud Member
- Quickfoot Caster
- Quickfoot Cat Burglar
- Quickfoot Fighter
- Ranging Bandit
- Rebel Cannith Artificer
- Rebel Cannith Fighter
- Red Wizard Adept
- Restless Juror
- Ridicule
- Rioter
- Rioting Prisoner
- Roving Bandit
- Scarlet Brotherhood Apprentice
- Scarlet Brotherhood Crusher
- Scarlet Brotherhood Skirmisher
- Scarlet Brotherhood Warrior
- Scion of Wrath
- Scrawny Barovian Peasant
- Sellsword Archer
- Sellsword Brute
- Sellsword Footpad
- Sellsword Skirmisher
- Senior Dread Pirate
- Shanty Singer (Human)
- Shar Worshipper
- Sharn Hidden Hand Claw
- Sharn Hidden Hand Finger
- Sharn Hidden Hand Palm
- Sharn Wizard
- Silver Concord Fighter
- Silver Flame Acolyte
- Silver Flame Archer
- Silver Flame Cleric
- Silver Flame Commander
- Silver Flame Elite Templar
- Silver Flame Friar
- Silver Flame Hunter
- Silver Flame Life-Caller
- Silver Flame Paladin
- Silver Flame Ranger
- Silver Flame Shield-Keeper
- Silver Flame Soldier
- Silver Flame War Priest
- Silver Flame Warrior
- Silver Flame Wound-Mender
- Slaver Cleric
- Slaver Cohort
- Slaver Cutthroat
- Slaver Factotum
- Slaver Marksman
- Smuggler Deck Boss
- Smuggler Deck Hand
- Smuggler Lookout
- Smuggler Sneak
- Smuggler Sorcerer
- Soulless Barovian Peasant
- Stormreach Citizen
- Stormreach Guard
- Suderham Guard
- Suderham Guard Officer
- Suderham Patroller
- Suspicious Stormreach Guard
- Svalich Druid
- Swashbuckler (Human)
- Swashbuckler Scoundrel
- Swiftfoot Caster
- Swiftfoot Gangster
- Syndicate Arcanist
- Syndicate Cannoneer
- Syndicate Muscle
- Syndicate Sailor
- Syndicate Swiftblade
- Temple Cleric
- Temple Cultist
- Temple Guard
- Temple Warrior
- Thayan Hired Assassin
- Thayan Mercenary
- Thug Recruit
- Tidy Lass
- Trapsmith Recruit (Human)
- Troublemaker
- Turnkey (Human)
- Twilight Channeler
- Underlane Hooligan
- Underlane Ruffian
- Unholy Friar
- Unholy Priest
- Vaunt Arcanist
- Vaunt Bulwark
- Vaunt Guard
- Vaunt Patrol
- Vaunt Trapsmith
- Veiled Chain Marauder (Human)
- Veiled Chain Marine
- Veiled Chain Marine (Human)
- Veiled Chain Sailor
- Villager
- Vistani Bandit
- Vistani Bandit Leader
- Vistani Scout
- Voidmind Deneith Noble
- Vol Cultist
- Wachterhaus Cultist
- Wachterhaus Magus
- Wachterhaus Mortifer
- War Wizard
- Warehouse Worker (Human)
- Warrior
- Warrior Cultist
- Warrior of the Emerald Claw (Human)
- Warrior of the Six
- Wayward Adventurer
- Wheloon Native (Human)
- Wounded Soldier
- Wraithcaller Acolyte
- Wraithcaller Cultist
- Yeoman Archer
- Zakya Cult Archer
- Zakya Cultist
- Zombie Shepherd
Creature Types > Humanoid Type
DDO > Questing > Monsters > Monsters by Alignment > Monsters with Chaotic Evil Alignment
DDO > Questing > Monsters > Monsters by Race > Human (Monster) Race
Hidden categories > Hidden categories > Pages using DynamicPageList3 parser function
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