Category:Human (Monster) Race
From DDO Compendium
Humans on are widespread, can be found in most regions and, in general, are fierce and disagreeable, which can sometimes lead certain other races to view them with contempt. They are renowned for their diversity and ambition, and although they lack specialization, they can excel in many areas.
Humans are constantly curious, and always want to explore other areas. They have potential to learn every skill, from magic casting to fighting. They usually work together to gain a specific goal and to increase their wealth.
Pages in category "Human (Monster) Race"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 628 total.
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- Abector of Vol
- Acolyte of Flame (Human)
- Acolyte of Vol (Human)
- Adventurous Eater
- Aeducan Gobban
- Aerele
- Agartha the Breaker
- Agent Westbrooke
- Ajakstu
- Amskar
- Annelisa
- Annelisa Hdar
- Anscolm the Fervid
- Apprentice Assembler
- Apprentice Dread Pirate
- Apprentice Enchanter
- Apprentice Fleshwright
- Aramiya Troise
- Arcanist
- Archer
- Archmage Lathornal
- Archwizard Ca'thul
- Ardent Sands Cannoneer
- Ardent Sands Marauder
- Ardent Sands Sailor
- Athea Troise
- Aureon Tower Guard
- Baba Lysaga (Quest Boss)
- Baba Lysaga (Raid Boss)
- Bandit Arcane Trickster
- Bandit Archer
- Bandit Bard
- Bandit Shaman
- Bandit Skirmisher
- Bandit Sneak
- Bandit Trapper
- Bard-barian
- Barkinar
- Barovian Adventurer
- Barovian Opportunist
- Barovian Vagabond
- Benny the Hand
- Berserker
- Bilge Rat Pledge
- Blood of Vol Death Knight
- Blood of Vol Devotee
- Blood of Vol Follower
- Blood of Vol Priestess
- Blood Tide Archer (Human)
- Blood Tide Sailor (Human)
- Blood Tide Spy
- Bloody Bjorn
- Boatswain Jared
- Bonded Deckhand
- Bonifal Kez
- Bora Canna
- Bored Juror
- Borgo the Scrounger
- Boris Targolov
- Boromar Thug
- Boromar Trapper
- Branson Blackboot
- Broken Crown Marine
- Broken Crown Sailor (Human)
- Broken Crown Swashbuckler (Human)
- Brother Qessul, Dark Cleric
- Burglar Recruit (Human)
- Burket
- Cabin Boy
- Calefax the Mad
- Cannith Artificer
- Cannith Guard (Human)
- Cannith Guard (Lieutenant)
- Cannith Head Security Officer
- Cannith Rebel Guard
- Cannith Support Artificer
- Cannith Technician
- Captain Eulford
- Captain Howell Goldhorn
- Captain Keira
- Captain Michael Tew
- Captain Sigurd Snake-Eyes
- Captain Thoth
- Carnival Challenger
- Cartel Sentry (Human)
- Cartel Smuggler (Human)
- Casting Carnie
- Cellimas Villuhne (Human)
- Cellimas Villuhne (Monster)
- Chief Tur'realyn
- City Guard
- City Guard Archer
- City Guard Officer
- Claive the Carver
- Collaborator
- Collared Ana Brabener
- Collared Cormyr War Wizard
- Collared Purple Dragon Knight
- Collared Villager
- Combat Carnie
- Commander Tarkor
- Commodore Alaina
- Commoner (The Suspect)
- Condemned Burglar (Human)
- Condemned Deadeye
- Condemned Enforcer
- Condemned Thug
- Condemned Trapsmith (Human)
- Controlled Deneith Archer
- Controlled Deneith Defender
- Controlled Deneith Mage
- Cop
- Copper Concord Bard
- Cormyrean Magistrate
- Correctional Officer
- Corrupt Archdruid
- Corrupted Druid
- Crazed Follower
- Crewmate
- Cult Adherent
- Cult Canonist
- Cult Disciple
- Cult Emissary
- Cult Invoker
- Cult of the Dragon Assassin
- Cult of the Dragon Deathlord
- Cult of the Dragon Devotee
- Cult of the Dragon Initiate
- Cult of the Dragon Necromancer
- Cult Seeker
- Cult Warden
- Cultist
- Cultist Acolyte
- Cultist Adept
- Cultist Aspirant
- Cultist Guard
- Cultist Jailer
- Cultist of the Six
- Cultist Postulant
- Cultist Ranger (Human)
- Cultist Spy
- Cultist Sureshot
- Cultist Thug
- Daegon
- Damsel in Distress
- Dar Qat Archer
- Dar Qat Assassin
- Dar Qat Captain
- Dar Qat Soldier
- Dareon Krenner
- Darobard
- Darstil Vurusk
- Death Knight
- Death's Advocate
- Deckhand (Human)
- Dedryk Black
- Delightful Gingerbread Kookie
- Deranged Follower
- Devian Trell
- Devourer Acolyte
- Devourer Disciple
- Devourer Minion
- Devourer Warpriest
- Devout Doppelganger
- Dheren Kiettuc
- Dirge of Karrnath (Monster)
- Disciple of Shadow
- Disciple of Shar
- Disciple Subduer
- Doctor Theia Vulcana
- Doctor Will Ewe Rushmore
- Dog Wrangler
- Dolthin
- Dom
- Donner Gosling
- Doom Sword
- Doppleganger
- Doppleganger (Mob)
- Draeton
- Dragon Knight
- Dragonclaw Archer
- Dragonfang Assassin
- Dragonsoul Arms Keeper
- Dragonsoul Warrior
- Dragonwing Sorcerer
- Dread Captain Crimson Anne
- Dread Dinosaur Trainer
- Dread Pirate Apprentice Tamer
- Dread Pirate Aquamancer
- Dread Pirate Captain
- Dread Pirate Crewman
- Dread Pirate Grenadier
- Dread Pirate Lookout
- Dread Pirate Marine
- Dread Pirate Mate
- Dread Pirate Necromancer
- Dread Pirate Pale Master
- Dread Pirate Quartermaster
- Dread Pirate Raider