Scroll of Insightful Strikes

From DDO Compendium
Scroll of Insightful Strikes Icon.pngScroll of Insightful Strikes
UMD Difficulty: 36
No UMD Check For: Artificer 3
Minimum Level: 1
Personal Augmentation- Insightful Strikes Icon.pngPersonal Augmentation: Insightful Strikes
Target: Self
Duration: 1 Minute per Caster Level (Minimum 5 Minutes)
School: Divination (Infusion)
Enchants a weapon to permit the use of the equipper's Intelligence modifier for attack rolls if it is higher than the standard ability for the weapon, if it is the only weapon (other than a Runearm) equipped. This spell dispels Insightful Damage, but as a personal item enchantment it can be used alongside other general temporary item enchantments. The item is temporarily bound to character while this effect is active.
Caster Level: 3
A heavy sheet of fine vellum reinforced at the top and bottom with strips of leather, covered with arcane writing.
Base Value: 150 Platinum 0.10 lbs
Where To Find: 
Vendor Location Qty Price Area
Taniera GrisvillHouse Cannith Enclave1150 Platinum