Orchard of the Macabre (Epic)

From DDO Compendium

Epic Range: 20-30
Enter through: Upper Necropolis

Orchard of the Macabre (Epic) Map.png
Slay 10 creatures: 3,615 XP
Slay 25 creatures: 4,853 XP
Slay 50 creatures: 4,693 XP
Slay 100 creatures: 9,360 XP
Slay 200 creatures: 14,505 XP
Slay 400 creatures: 24,495 XP
Slay 750 creatures: 40,185 XP
Slay 1500 creatures: 81,810 XP
Slay 3000 creatures: 163,905 XP
Slay 5000 creatures: 227,475 XP
Slay 7500 creatures: 296,745 XP
XP per explorer: 2,400
Bonus XP for all points: 7,200
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Points of Interest


Each Rare: 4,800 XP All Rares: 45,600 XP
NameTypeRaceRare Information
Abector of VolHumanoidHuman (Monster)Part of The Maruts random encounter
BlightcrawlPlantVine StalkerRandom locations
Ciona the GreyMonstrous HumanoidWerewolfRandom locations
Commander TarkorHumanoidHuman (Monster)Random locations
CommonerHumanoidHuman (Monster)Part of The Suspect encounter.
DarosUndeadWightRandom locations
HieronymusHumanoidHuman (Monster)Random locations
IsanarElementalIce ElementalRandom locations
Karthonep the RestlessUndeadSkeletonRandom locations
LanarinUndeadLichRandom locations
Lord TristinMonstrous HumanoidWerewolfRandom locations
Lord VarnathUndeadZombieRandom locations
Mal'takalonEvil OutsiderDemonRandom locations
Marut CommanderConstructInevitablePart of The Maruts random encounter
ShelleyConstructGolemPart of It's Alive Random Encounter
Tahareh (Doomsphere)UndeadBeholderRandom locations
Talvis SamitUndeadSkeletonRandom locations
ThorflConstructGolemRandom locations
Ella of the PlanesNPCHuman
Maurelius TablarNPCHuman
A Rift of FireRandom locations
A Rift of IceRandom locations
It's Alive!Random locations
The SuspectRandom locations
The MarutsRandom locations
Quest/Saga Givers
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