Lantern of the Keepers

From DDO Compendium
Lantern of the Keepers Icon.pngLantern of the Keepers
Cosmetic Shield
Bound to Character on Acquire
Not Mailable
Spell Radiant Forcefield Icon.pngShine the Light
Duration: 3 Seconds
School: Abjuration
You shine your lantern dispelling the mists, curing it's afflications and sometimes stunning nearby Mist Stalkers.
Caster Level: 1
3 / 3 Charges(Recharged/Day: 3)
  • Lantern of the Keepers: Equipping this lantern will allow you to sense the Dark Power's intrusions into this world, and reveal the mists, and that what lurks within them.
Material: This item is made out of: Gem
Hardness: 99 Durability: 1500
Description: Dispatch these pockets of mist will increase this lanterns Durability. Bonuses to XP gains also apply to lantern Durability gains. Once it is full return it to Zuria in the Hall of Heroes.
Base Value: 1 Platinum0.10 lbs
No Appearance.png
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