Category:Items with a Bonus to Reflex Saves
From DDO Compendium
Pages in category "Items with a Bonus to Reflex Saves"
The following 170 pages are in this category, out of 170 total.
- Beachcombers
- Belt of Bold Brilliance
- Bend Fate: Reflex Saves
- Bend Fate: Reflex Saves (Rare)
- Boots of Blessed Travels
- Boots of Blessed Travels (Pre U41)
- Boots of the Battlemaster
- Bracers of the Hunter
- Bracers of the Hunter (Pre U50)
- Breastplate of the Celestial Sage
- Breastplate of the Celestial Sage (Pre U41)
- Epic Amethyst Loupe
- Epic Armbands of the Silenced Ones
- Epic Bracers of the Hunter
- Epic Bracers of the Hunter (Pre U50)
- Epic Ethereal Ring
- Epic Kundarak Delving Suit
- Epic Kundarak Delving Suit (Pre U60)
- Epic Memories of Insight
- Epic Muffled Veneer
- Epic Shaman's Band
- Epic Smuggler's Gear
- Epic Wolf Whistle
- Epic Wrath of Siberys
- Legendary Allegience of the Wild Hunt
- Legendary Amethyst Loupe
- Legendary Armor of Moonlight
- Legendary Armor of Sunlight
- Legendary Beachcombers
- Legendary Belt of Bold Brilliance
- Legendary Boots of the Battlemaster
- Legendary Bracers of the Hunter
- Legendary Clearwater
- Legendary Crimson Chain
- Legendary Dragon Eyes
- Legendary Ethereal Ring
- Legendary Flightfoot Greaves
- Legendary Garb of the Spring Winds
- Legendary Gloves of the Nimble
- Legendary Kundarak Delving Suit
- Legendary Kundarak Delving Suit (Pre U60)
- Legendary Mantle of the Dwarven Commander
- Legendary Mask of the Vulkoorim
- Legendary Outfit of Sunlight
- Legendary Pendant of Apparition
- Legendary Periapt of Dexterity
- Legendary Periapt of Intelligence
- Legendary Ring of Nightfall
- Legendary Ruined Glory
- Legendary Scarlet Scalemail
- Legendary Shaman's Band
- Legendary Signet of Thelanis
- Legendary Smuggler's Gear
- Legendary Stinkpelt's Hide
- Legendary Teraza's Perfect Sight
- Legendary Teraza's Sight
- Legendary Thief's Escape
- Legendary Tinkerer's Gloves
- Legendary Tinkerer's Gloves (Upgraded)
- Legendary University Spellshield's Coat
- Legendary University Spellshield's Docent
- Legendary University Spellshield's Outfit
- Legendary University Spellshield's Platemail
- Legendary University Spellshield's Reinforced Shirt
- Legendary University Spellshield's Robe
- Legendary Wallwatch Circlet
- Legendary War-Rune Pendant
- Legendary Wolf Whistle
- Legendary Wristbound Register
- Scalemail of the Celestial Sage
- Scalemail of the Celestial Sage (Pre U41)
- Scarlet Scalemail
- Shadowstrike: Reflex Saves
- Shadowstrike: Reflex Saves (Rare)
- Signet of Thelanis
- Solar Gem of Reflex (Heroic)
- Solar Gem of Reflex (Legendary)
- Spectacular Optics
- Spectacular Optics (Pre U48 Patch 2)
- Spines of the Manticore: Reflex
- Spines of the Manticore: Reflex (Rare)
- Stinkpelt's Hide
- Storm in a Bottle
- Storm in a Bottle (Pre U41)
- Teraza's Perfect Sight
- Teraza's Sight
- The Abiding Path: Reflex Saves
- The Abiding Path: Reflex Saves (Rare)
- The Book of Defense: Reflexes
- The Legendary Book of Defense: Reflexes
- The Legendary Lotus Mail
- The Long Shadow: Reflex
- The Long Shadow: Reflex (Rare)
- The Lotus Mail
- Thief's Escape
- Tradusor
- Trapblast Goggles
- Trapper's Delight: Reflex
- Trapper's Delight: Reflex (Rare)
- Twilight's Cloak: Reflex
- Twilight's Cloak: Reflex (Rare)