A lich is an almost universally evil form of undead spellcaster of great power, usually a wizard, but also possibly a sorcerer or cleric. Liches are feared by mortal beings for their malign magic, their intelligence and their willingness to embrace undeath for a chance to live forever (or rather, exist forever).
Liches are generally gaunt and skeletal with withered flesh stretched tight across horribly visible bones, but can vary greatly in appearance depending on their age. Some appear as skeletons dressed in regal finery, yet others might appear to be nothing more than lepers. Bright pinpoints of crimson light burned in the empty sockets of those whose eyes have been destroyed or otherwise lost or are so old they had simply rotted away. They are often clad in dark, tattered robes. When moving, they seem to glide as if floating on water.
Liches often do not have lips or the necessary organs to produce natural speech, but they have the ability to project speech from their mouths magically, moving the jaw (if present) to aid the illusion.
Because liches have eternal longevity, they often use this time to form schemes that take decades to develop, sometimes preferring to outlive a foe instead of confronting it, and as such most liches live in secluded areas, where they are content with furthering whatever research or plots they had in motion.
The process of achieving lichdom requires that the spellcaster construct a powerful magical artifact, a phylactery, in which the lich stores its life essence. As long as this phylactery is unharmed, the lich is immortal and would attempt to reassemble if it was ever vanquished. It does not, however, grant any of the normal benefits of a phylactery until it is fully completed. For these reasons, liches take great care in protecting their phylactery from harm, employing decoys, traps, and other defenses.