Rakshasa Hide

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 19:45, 17 August 2021 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)
Leather Armor 5 Icon.png Rakshasa Hide
Light Armor
Light Armor Proficiency
Minimum Level: 16
Bound to Account on Acquire
Armor Bonus: +9
Max Dex Bonus: 16
Spell Failure: 10%
  • +4 Enhancement Bonus: Weapons and Shields: +4 Enhancement Bonus Attack and Damage rolls. Armor and Shields: +4 enhancement bonus to Armor Class.
  • Roar: This item emits a frightening roar when melee attackers score a critical hit on the wearer, causing them to resist or be shaken with fear.
  • Heightened Awareness 3: This item grants you the ability to read situations with incredible perspicacity, allowing you to predict actions before they occur. You gain a +3 insight bonus to AC.
  • Greater Nimbleness: This suit of armor looks much less restrictive than others of its type. A suit of armor that has this property has a maximum Dexterity bonus 2 higher than normal, and its armor check penalty is reduced by 4.
  • Accuracy +12: +12 Competence bonus to your attack rolls.
  • Rough Hide +3: This item fuses with your body and toughens your skin, providing a +3 Primal bonus to your natural armor.

Material: This item is made out of: Leather
Hardness: 24 Durability: 200

Description: Crafted from the tanned hide of a Rakshasa, this armor is lightweight and grants many of the magical traits and supernatural senses that Rakshasa possesses.
Base Value: 8,101 Platinum 5 Gold 25 lbs
Rakshasa Hide.png
Where To Find: The Lords of Dust, Tahmel's Chest
Epic Crafting
New Item
Epic Rakshasa Hide
This item replaced a different version by SSG in U50. Rakshasa Hide (Pre U50) is the previous version.