Archmage Specialization II

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 01:15, 20 July 2019 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)

Enhancement Archmage Specialization Icon.png

Archmage Specialization II

Ranks: 1
Points (per rank): 1
Activation Cost: 3 Spell Points
Cooldown: 6 Seconds
Benefits: Gain a more powerful Spell Like Ability from the school you have chosen.

Enhancement Resist Energy SLA Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Resist Energy
Enhancement Web SLA Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Enhancement Otto's Resistible Dance SLA Icon.png Spell-Like Ability: Otto's Resistable Dance
Enhancement Gust of Wind SLA Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Gust of Wind
Enhancement Blur SLA Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Enhancement Command Undead SLA Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:
Command Undead
Enhancement Knock SLA Icon.pngSpell-Like Ability:

You may use Metamagic Feats when casting Spell-Like Abilities at no additional cost.

Enhancement Archmage Specialization Icon.png

Archmage - Archmage Specialization II

  • 5 Points spent in Tree
  • Archmage Specialization I
  • Wizard 3