Potion of Fire Shield (Cool)

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 02:10, 25 September 2021 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)
File:Potion of Fire Shield (Cool) Icon.pngPotion of Fire Shield (Cool)
Minimum Level: 1
Spell Fire Shield (cold version) Icon.pngFire Shield (cold version)
Target: Self
Duration: 15 Seconds + 6 Seconds per Caster Level
School: Evocation (Cold)
Wreaths the caster in flames. Any creature striking you in melee takes 4 to 6 cold damage per caster level plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 15. The Cold version of this spell deals cold damage and reduces the damage the caster takes from fire by half. The flame from this spell will burn away any webs that attempt to entangle you. Casting any Fire Shield or Energy Sheath spell will dispel any Fire Shield or Energy Sheath that is currently affecting you
Caster Level: 20
Material: This item is made out of: Glass
Hardness:Durability: 5
A small vial with an ounce of liquid within.
Base Value: 200 Platinum0.10 lbs
Where To Find: 
Vendor Location Qty Price Area
Kayla SkywhisperHouse Phiarlan1200 Platinum