Studded Leather Armor

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 20:26, 3 August 2021 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)
Studded Leather Armor Icon.png Studded Leather Armor
Light Armor
Light Armor Proficiency
Armor Bonus: +3
Max Dex Bonus: 7
Armor Check Penalty: -1
Spell Failure: 15%

[[Category:Items made of {{{material}}}]]

Material: This item is made out of: [[Material Type#{{{material}}}|{{{material}}}]]

Description: This armor is made from tough but flexible leather (not hardened leather, as with normal leather armor) reinforced with close-set metal rivets.
Studded Leather Armor.png
Where To Find: 
Vendor Location Qty Price Area
[[Janiero Coldiron{Price]]512
  • Agar Northam: Purchase in 2, Cost: {Price
  • }} |material = Leather |hardness = 8 |durability = 24 |update = |details = |upgradeable = |restriction = Race Absolutely Excluded: Warforged |icon= |image= |bug= |replaced= |weight=20 |basevalue= 2 Platinum 5 Gold }}