Music of the Dead

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 18:54, 16 December 2018 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)

Enhancement Music of the Dead Icon.png

Music of the Dead

Ranks: 1
Points (per rank): 1

  • Your Fascinate gains the power to mesmerize Undead. They stop acting and behave like they have been fascinated.
    • Unlike truly fascinating creatures, however, they are not susceptible to suggestion.
  • Your Sustaining Song melody ow works on Undead Allies, providing them with a Negative heal over time.
  • Your Inspire Greatness now provides a +10 Music bonus to Negative Healing Amplification.
  • Your Enchantment, Evocation, and Illusion spells add +1 to their Difficulty Check.
  • + 1 Diplomacy, Listen, Perform, and Use Magic Device.
  • +2% critical chance with sonic and positive spells.
Enhancement Music of the Dead Icon.png

Spellsinger - Music of the Dead

  • 10 Points spent in Tree
  • Music of the Sewers
  • Bard 6