+1 Lesser Heart of Wood

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Revision as of 19:05, 2 July 2024 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)
Heart of Wood Icon.png+1 Lesser Heart of Wood
Reincarnation Heart
Binding: Bound to Account on Acquire

This naturally burnished piece of wood can be used in the Reincarnation Grove in the Hall of Heroes to start the process of Lesser Reincarnation. The Hall can be found in the Marketplace or Eveningstar.

Lesser Reincarnation lets you alter your ability scores, feats, skills, and spell selection by re-leveling your character from level 1 bnack to your current level.

Class Choice
By default, you take the same character class at each level as before. +1 or higher Hearts of Wood allow you to alter that many class choices (e.g. a +3 Heart of Wood lets you make different class choices at 3 different levels.

Important Rules
- During the leveling process you can never have more than 3 current OR potential classes. The classes you had before reincarnating remain as potential classes until changed and count toward your total allowed classes.
(Due to this rule, many multiclass characters cannot change all of their classes in one reincarnation, even with a +20 Heart of Wood.)
- You cannot change your name, race, gender, or alignment.
- Your appearance will need to be recreated.
- You must wait 3 days before Lesser Rincarnating again. Inventory and Spells
- Equipped items will be unequipped and put into inventory.
- If inventory is full, items will go into backpack overflow. (Clear out your inventory to ensure access to your gear).
- Wizards keep their spell books and do not change their spells.

0.05 lbs
Where To Find: 
  • DDO Store: Purchase for 1,159 DDOPointsIcon.png DDO Points
  • Daily Dice Roll
  • Random, any chest, quest reward, etc.
Collectors: Life-Shaper
Used In: Lesser Reincarnation - This can be used anytime to change your ability scores, feats, skills and spell selection. This version also allows you to alter a single class selection during level-up. See Important Rules below about restrictions.