Legendary Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 01:01, 2 July 2024 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)
Legendary Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass Icon.pngLegendary Raid Timer Bypass Hourglass
Green Bag Icon.png
Binding: Unbound
Bag Maximum Stack Size: 100
Inventory Maximum Stack Size: 100

This item allows you to bypass the special 3 day timer that prevents reentry into a successfully completed raid. Once used, this item will allow you to reacquire any one raid quest before the reentry timer has finished counting down.

If you are on a timer , the quest giver will not bestow the quest until you use this item. This item is good for one raid timer bypass only.

Base Value: 2,000 Platinum .01 lbs
Where To Find: 
Only for Legendary Raids (CR 31+)