Topaz of Proof Against Poison +8

From DDO Compendium
Augment Yellow 3 Icon.pngTopaz of Proof Against Poison +8
Augment Bag Icon.png
Minimum Level: 16
Binding: Unbound
Rarity: Common
  • Proof Against Poison +8: This item grants its wearer immunity to natural poisons. This item also grants a +8 Enhancement bonus to saving throws against magical poisons, and the wearer does not fail saving throws against them on a roll of a natural 1 (this renders the wearer immune to magical poisons with a DC of less than 9 + their Fortitude save).

Drag this augment into a slot to upgrade an item to provide increase protection against poison. This augment can go in a Yellow, Green, or Orange Augment Slot.

Base Value: 1,500 Platinum 0.01 lbs
Where To Find: 
Vendor Location Qty Price Area
Meliager Ei'nGianthold1
6x Ancient Dragon Relic
6x Ancient Elven Relic
6x Ancient Giant Relic
Used In: Yellow, Orange or Green augment slots.