
From DDO Compendium


This template is used on equipment for the Vamprism enchantment.

Example Usage
{{Vampirism|Dice|5}}Vampirism 5: This weapon thirsts for the blood of your enemies, healing you for +5d2 hit points with each hit.
{{Vampirism}}Vampirism: This weapon drains a tiny portion of the target's life force whenever it does damage.
{{Vampirism|Lesser}}Lesser Vampirism: This weapon drains a tiny portion of the target's life force whenever it does damage.


{{Vamprism|(Type)|(Dice Count)}}

Parameter Documentation
TypeThis is the type of vampirism
Possible Values:
  • Lesser
  • Dice - requires use of the "Dice Count" field
  • Normal - this is the default
Dice CountThis is the number of dice recovered


Ignore any errors below this line, The errors occur because there is no input into the template, in the template itself.

Vampirism: This weapon drains a tiny portion of the target's life force whenever it does damage.