Slaad Race
From DDO Compendium
Slaad are bipedal, frog-like creatures native to Limbo and to the Supreme Throne.
Their base form is that of a large bipedal frog, though some of the more powerful slaadi have polymorph self or shapechange abilities and sometimes appear as humanoids. In frog form their heads are huge and their claws are extremely sharp.
The most common types of slaadi are blue slaadi, green slaadi, red slaadi and death slaadi. Size also varies between the different subtypes, from human-sized to several feet taller. Most Slaadi are almost always chaotic neutral, with the exception of death slaadi, which are usually chaotic evil. All slaadi, being outsiders composed of the essence of Limbo itself, have natural darkvision of up to 60 feet.