Giant Type
From DDO Compendium
A giant is a humanoid-shaped creature of great strength, usually of at least Large size.
A giant has the following features:
- 8-sided hit dice
- Base Attack Bonus equal to 3/4 hit dice
- Good Fortitude Saves
- Skill points equal to (2 + Intelligence Modifier) per Hit Die
- Multiply by 4 for first hit die
A giant possesses the following traits:
- Low-light vision
- Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as any natural weapons
- Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium or heavy) it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter types
- Those not described as wearing armor are not proficient with armor
- They are proficient with shields if they are proficient with any form of armor
- They eat, sleep and breathe
- They are immune to Web due their size and strength
- Aggressive Hyperbole
- Agnar
- Agni
- Ahnold the Hungry
- Ahraatz-Ri
- Ancient Cloud Giant Lieutenant
- Ancient Cloud Giant Soldier
- Ancient Stormreaver Captain
- Argor Soulbane
- Aughr
- Aurgus Blackstone
- Baldrasan
- Barxer
- Bash
- Bertoz
- Bhumi
- Bjorn the Liar
- Black Sun Ogre
- Blackheart Ambassador
- Blackheart Fiend-Blood
- Blackheart Oracle
- Blackheart Overlord
- Blackheart Pathfinder
- Blackheart Soothsayer
- Blackheart Warmonger
- Blackheart Warrior
- Blackthorn
- Blaze ar'Rhind (Monster)
- Blitz
- Bloodknuckles
- Bonechewer the Foul
- Boss Durna
- Boss Gullo
- Boss Ruug
- Boss Tanka
- Boss Ur-Fal
- Boss Uzaki
- Brekik
- Breknal
- Bridge Troll
- Brineshallow Scrag
- Brog
- Captain Crushbuckler
- Captain Stalg
- Captain Two Stone
- Caraduhn
- Champion Deathblood
- Champion Preinyl
- Chef Grank
- Chef Nargryl
- Chief Ogh
- Chieftain Bergthrym
- Chieftain Uggorn
- Chomp
- City Faire Strongman
- Cloud Giant
- Cloud Giant Captain
- Cloud Giant Evoker
- Cloud Giant Knight
- Controlled Fomorian
- Cragmore the Adamant
- Cyclone
- Daask Bowmaster
- Daask Mage (Ogre)
- Daask Meat Masher
- Daask Shaman
- Daask Thug (Ogre)
- Darak Kar-Thul
- Deadheart the Unbeaten
- Deadheart's Sidekick
- Deathblood Troll
- Dinks
- Dirgo Skysplitter
- Dominated Cloud Guard
- Dread Captain Dar-Kol
- Dreadwood Troll Marauder
- Dreadwood Troll Scout
- Dreadwood Troll Shaman
- Droaam Ogre Crusher
- Droaam Peacekeeper
- Droaam Vanguard
- Drunken Ogre
- Druuhl
- Dulk
- Dulse
- Durvastra
- Enforcer Smashjaw
- Erown the Recoverer
- Ferocious Fomorian
- Ferros
- Feydark Ogre
- Feydark Troll Shaman
- Fiend-Blood Troll
- Fiendish Troll Crusher
- Fiendish Troll Enforcer
- Fiendish Troll Lieutenant
- Fiendish Troll Raider
- Fierce Captain Takkaran
- Fire Giant
- Fire Giant Captain
- Fire Giant Champion
- Fire Giant Pyromancer
- Fire Giant Slayer
- Fire Giant Soldier
- Fire Giant Warlock
- Flaik the Watchful
- Fomorian
- Fractious Ogre
- Frall the Burning
- Frokke
- Frost Giant Cleric
- Frost Giant Guard
- Frost Giant Hetman
- Frost Giant Hunter
- Frost Giant Iceblade
- Frost Giant Mage
- Frost Giant Raider
- Furious Fighter
- Furious Shaman
- Furley
- Geeblebrox
- General Tagherist
- General Xanti'lar
- Gewastern
- Ghola-Fan
- Giant Savage
- Glumdalclunk
- Gnarkill
- Goll Griphands
- Grablandurr
- Grax
- Grumnuk the Foul
- Grunk the Lizardeater
- Grust the Usurper
- Haarg the Harrowing
- Hammerfist (Monster)
- Hammerfist the Mighty
- Harblimar
- High Shaman Mak-Murug
- Hill Giant
- Hill Giant Brute
- Hill Giant Hunter
- Hill Giant Lieutenant
- Hill Giant Scavenger
- Hill Giant Seer
- Hill Giant Sergeant
- Hill Giant Shaman
- Hill Giant Soothsayer
- Hill Giant Warrior
- Horgalmar
- Ignos
- Illusionary Giant
- Infected Ogre
- Infected Troll
- Ingstoldt
- Insgadreer
- Irgul the Blightmaster
- Jala
- Joram the Confused
- Jorgundal ar'Grund (Monster)
- Jotun Rimeblade
- Kaljarne
- Kar-Thul Diviner
- Kar-Thul Enchanter
- Kar-Thul Enforcer
- Kar-Thul Harrier
- Kar-Thul Impaler
- Kar-Thul Martinet
- Kar-Thul Mystic
- Kar-Thul Warrior
- Kasi Nokhba
- Kornak
- Kremen
- Kroksh
- Krung the Brutal
- Kruts the Cruel
- Kruuh Glimmerfist
- Kudgel
- Kurmer
- Lieutenant Frossgarde
- Lord Cirrus
- Lord Jax
- Lucy
- Luggan the Cudgeler
- Lurking Thug
- Lurts Glimmerfist
- Mangle
- Mannth
- Mason the Silent
- Mazgak Stormwright
- Mezrox
- Mok-Gar the Smasher
- Moldfang
- Moldskin
- Money Pit Bookie
- Money Pit Bouncer
- Morko
- Mortho
- Mudfoot
- Mudwallow Ogre
- Mudwallow Ogre Mage
- Murat the Maniacal
- Nale Grim
- Nar'Azmath
- Newly Formed Bridge Troll
- Nimbus ar'Yorg (Monster)
- Noozer
- Nurag Kar-Thul
- Nuushmaar
- Ogre
- Ogre Battle Thrall
- Ogre Bloodcaller
- Ogre Brute
- Ogre Chieftan
- Ogre Commander
- Ogre Corsair
- Ogre Cutthroat
- Ogre Enforcer
- Ogre Firebomber
- Ogre Lackey
- Ogre Leader
- Ogre Leader (ToEE)
- Ogre Mage Cultist
- Ogre Mystic
- Ogre Shaman
- Ogre Swashbuckler
- Ogre Warlock
- Ogre Warlock (Pirate)
- Old Hardtack
- Old One eye
- Oolgrist
- Ortadar
- Pain
- Pavan
- Pious Grew'el
- Prison Guard
- Pukru
- Qesnef
- Quartermaster Drant
- Risia Frost Giant
- Rogue Captain Urkran
- Rort Rotseer
- Roskilde
- Rothor the Insatiable
- Runetusk Berserker
- Runetusk Brawler
- Runetusk Champion
- Runetusk Commander
- Runetusk Fighter
- Runetusk Mage
- Runetusk Overseer
- Runetusk Ranger
- Runetusk Scout
- Runetusk War-Mage
- Runetusk Warlock
- Rungnir
- Scourge Captain Skaraggh
- Scrag (Monster)
- Scrag Brute
- Scrag Devoted
- Scrag Forager
- Scrag Hunter
- Scrag Mutant
- Scrag Shaman
- Sergeant Kroxgeel
- Shaman Hurpostaw
- Shaman Telgirrod
- Shaman Yarsnak
- Sharkbiter
- Shazam
- Slave (Troll)
- Slimepus the Foul-Breathed
- Smotguk
- Sor'jek Incanni (Giant)
- Squall (Giant)
- Stone Giant Captain
- Stone Giant Crusher
- Stone Giant Elder
- Stone Giant Fighter
- Stone Giant Rockcaller
- Stone Giant Scavenger
- Stone Giant Shaman
- Stone Guardian
- Storm Heart Seer
- Stormreaver (Enemy)
- Stormsworn Berserker
- Stormsworn Earthcaller
- Stormsworn Pyromancer
- Stormsworn Sky Knight
- Stormsworn Spellbinder
- Supply Carrier (Hill Giant)
- Suropox
- Suziar
- Tako the Killer
- Tar Ogre Tribe Barbarian
- Tar Ogre Tribe Druid
- Tar Ogre Tribe Gatekeeper
- Tar Ogre Tribe High Shaman
- Tar Ogre Tribe High Shaman's Consort
- Tar Ogre Tribe Ranger
- Tar Tribe Hunter
- Tar Tribe Shaman
- Tar Tribe Warrior
- Taskmaster Tar-Lom
- Tethra
- The Cook
- Thorfin Coldspeaker
- Thorngak
- Thulkaan
- Thum Grim
- Tor'gahn
- Torg Skullcrusher
- Trankirn
- Transfigured Statue
- Troll
- Troll Captive
- Troll Chieftain
- Troll Enforcer
- Troll Gladiator
- Troll Servant
- Troll Shaman
- Trundlefoot
- Turnkey
- Ubein-Lnaa
- Ul'Grym the Mire Caller
- Ulagash
- Unkor the Gourmet
- Ur-Keshik the Seer
- Uthger Runetusk
- Vermin Keeper (Troll)
- Vorag the Vengeful
- Vortarg Kar-Thul
- Vyragon
- War Master Krug
- War Master Muurj
- War Master Naarl
- Warden Feng
- Warlock Sobrien
- Wham
- Yarlbur
- Yre Kubuts
- Zackori Nugroho