Evil Outsider Type
From DDO Compendium
Evil outsiders are extraplanar creatures natives from the outer planes. They are also called fiends. By definition, every Evil Outsider type monster is evil, and thus, damaged by weapons. Most of them also have some kind of Damage Reduction based on their race or sub-race.
A evil outsider has the following features:
- 8-sided Hit Dice
- Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice
- Good Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saves
- Skill points equal to (8 + INT modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first Hit Die
A evil outsider possesses the following traits:
- Darkvision out to 60 feet.
- Unlike most other living creatures, an outsider does not have a dual nature; its soul and body form one unit.
- When an outsider is slain, no soul is set loose.
- Spells that restore souls to their bodies, such as raise dead, reincarnate, and resurrection, don’t work on an outsider.
- It takes a different magical effect, such as limited wish, wish, miracle, or true resurrection to restore it to life.
- Proficient with all simple and martial weapons and any weapons mentioned in its entry.
- Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter types. Outsiders not indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with armor.
- Outsiders are proficient with shields if they are proficient with any form of armor.
- Outsiders breathe, but do not need to eat or sleep (although they can do so if they wish).
- Abishai
- Abishai Executioner
- Abishai Souleater
- Accidentally Summoned Vrock
- Agathea
- Agnes
- Agorthony
- Agradoxes
- Agrapina
- Aima
- Akh'gurrog the Hunter
- Akuul
- Akylon Fiertheberr
- All-Seeing Ulthraat
- Amber Temple Hellhound
- Andreea
- Aneirin
- Anger
- Angsty Agnes
- Anogoreth
- Armisos
- Arraetrikos
- Artie
- Aspidon
- Auntie Janneth
- Aurora the Wicked
- Avarice
- Avaritia
- Azhakul the Fire Reaver
- Baba
- Bad Thoughts
- Bahhurat
- Bairger
- Baktor
- Barbazu
- Barbazu Sergeant
- Barbazu Shock Trooper
- Bargaining
- Barnzidu
- Basthuul
- Bazdor
- Bearded Devil
- Bearded Devil Captain
- Bearded Devil Invader
- Bearded Devil Skirmisher
- Bearded Devil Trooper
- Beast of Bel Shalor
- Beatrice
- Bebilith
- Belashyrra
- Bella Sunbane
- Bella the Younger
- Bezekira
- Black Abishai
- Black Abishai Invader
- Blackpaw
- Blistering Dretch
- Blood Plate
- Blood Spirit
- Blue Abishai
- Blue Abishai Intruder
- Blue Abishai Invader
- Blue Slaad Invader
- Bluebell
- Box
- Brutal Beatrice
- Brutal Hezrou
- Buddy
- Bulbossmos
- Cacodemon
- Cadence
- Captain Borth
- Carnage Reaper
- Carum Imer
- Cenodoxus
- Charoush the Vizier
- Checroun
- Chef Ernest
- Chelicera
- Chime
- Chronic Worry
- Circle of Great Scorn
- Cixsir
- Claw of Velah
- Colonel Baktazudes
- Colonel Nuthdronu
- Colonel Yagora
- Commander Ophael
- Condescending Cadence
- Conjoined Abishai Devastator
- Conjured Bearded Devil
- Controlled Blue Slaad
- Controlled Death Slaad
- Controlled Dretch
- Controlled Goristro
- Controlled Gray Slaad
- Controlled Green Slaad
- Controlled Nightmare
- Controlled Red Slaad
- Controlled Vrock
- Cox
- Crag Hellhound
- Crean
- Crina
- Cultist Dretch
- Cursed Ritualist
- Dark Dreaming Councilor
- Darnoc the Everburning
- Daydream
- Death Slaad
- Demon
- Demon of the Frenzied Blood
- Denial
- Despair Reaper
- Devashta
- Devil
- Devil Commander
- Devilish Clerk
- Distracting Fantasy
- Diyab
- Doom Reaper
- Draegloth
- Draegloth Guardian
- Draegloth Guardian (Named)
- Draegloth Ravager
- Dream Crawler
- Dream Scourge (Acid)
- Dream Scourge (Cold)
- Dream Scourge (Fire)
- Dream Stealer
- Drekk
- Dretch
- Dretch Balefire Eater
- Dretch Infantry
- Dretch Intruder
- Dretch Spawn
- Drolga
- Drone of Xy'zzy
- Efreeti
- Efreeti Elite Guard
- Efreeti Guardian
- Efreeti Malik
- Elbagya
- Elder Xorian Render
- Elisabeta
- Elite Barbazu Captain
- Elite Barbazu Legionnaire
- Elite Barbazu Shock Trooper
- Elite Barbazu Tower Guard
- Elite Orthon Defender
- Elite Orthon Legionnaire
- Elite Orthon Shock Trooper
- Elite Orthon Tower Guard
- Emissary of Shadow
- Enraged Hellhound
- Erinyes Invader
- Erinyes Minion
- Erisandes
- Eudoxia
- Falsifax
- Famine Reaper
- Fear Reaper
- Finnfaran
- Fire Fiend of Madness
- Fire Reaver
- Fire Reaver Lord
- Firefang
- Fish
- Flamefang (Servants of the Overlord)
- Flamefang (The Iron Mines)
- Flesh Render
- Fortress Hound
- Fraksete
- Frelga
- Frenzied Bezekira
- Frost Fiend of Madness
- Frost Flenser
- Furious Render
- Galamesh
- Garos
- Garrison Hellhound
- Garzuul
- Gate Keeper
- Giismekhan
- Glabrezu
- Glaebror
- Gnawing Doubt
- Gnomon
- Goldie
- Gorgith-Tor
- Goristro
- Goristro Barbarian
- Graal'zerub
- Gramma Skye
- Graz'zt
- Greater Bezekira
- Greater Hell Hound
- Greater Shadow of Hate
- Greater Thaarak Hound
- Green Abishai
- Green Abishai Intruder
- Green Abishai Invader
- Green Slaad Invader
- Grublub the Rank
- Grulemith
- Grundlehin
- Gula
- Ha'arlax the Hunter
- Harif the Inexorable
- Harrow
- Hathera the Erinyes
- Heinrich Stolt
- Hell Hound
- Hell Hound Sentinel
- Hellcat Invader
- Hellcat of Shavarath
- Hellhound
- Hellhound Guardian
- Herli'nak the Untamed
- Hezrou
- Hezrou Chaos Spawn
- Hezrou Intruder
- Hezrou Raider
- Hezrou of the Demonweb
- Hidden Hand Hellhound
- Horned Devil
- Horned Devil Invader
- Horoth
- Hound of Madness
- Howler
- Hunger
- Ice Flenser
- Ihlazur
- Illusionary Sprite
- Infernal Blue Abishai
- Infernal Red Abishai
- Infernient
- Inkrakos
- Invading Bebilith
- Invading Dretch
- Invading Fire Reaver
- Invading Flesh Render
- Invading Flesh Render Lord
- Invading Glabrezu General
- Invading Hezrou
- Invading Ice Flenser
- Invading Ice Flenser Lord
- Invading Jarilith
- Invading Marilith Commander
- Invading Nightmare
- Invading Vrock
- Jailer Koki
- Jarilith
- Jarilith Guard
- Jarilith Infantry
- Jarilith Raider
- Kaizanu
- Kalon
- Keradi
- Kerchac
- Kethrek
- Khaszlokhar
- Khyber Firereaver
- Khyber Fleshrender
- Khyber Hellhound
- Khyber Hezrou
- Khyber Iceflenser
- Khyber Jarilith
- Khyber Ravager
- Khyber Reaver
- Kin'haros
- Kishnaurac
- Kkomglol
- Kriitch
- Kron'zek
- Kwaeshon
- Lady Mourne
- Laombi
- Lingering Truth (Acid)
- Lingering Truth (Cold)
- Lingering Truth (Fire)
- Llotiquth
- Loknorith
- Lord Ragath
- Lord of Dust Zealot
- Lothar the Insidious
- Lykomedes
- Lysson
- Machairi
- Mageborn Salamander
- Magma Reaver
- Magroph Avithoul
- Mahlurat
- Makari
- Mal'takalon
- Malek the Malevolent
- Malicia
- Malizoc the Heinous
- Maljuph
- Marilith Prisoner
- Matarkeia
- Memory
- Meow-meow
- Mistress Temptia
- Misty
- Mitanu
- Mongrel Bloodhound
- Morgantha
- Myrthen
- Nal'thera
- Nepri
- Nightmare (Monster)
- Nightmare (Nightmare)
- Nightmare Vanguard
- Nilaphax
- Nimrisr
- Nix
- Nodebound Efreeti
- Nodebound Salamander
- Nosrat
- Nox (Abishai)
- Nox (Efreet)
- Nythirios
- Ocular Hound
- Odaka
- Offalia Wormwiggle
- Offalia the Young
- Old Morgantha
- Oliq
- Onnez The Oblivious
- Ordes the Keeper
- Orthon
- Orthon Defender
- Orthon Guardsman
- Orthon Intruder
- Orthon Invader
- Orthon Lieutenant
- Orthon Stalwart
- Orthon Warder
- Ozebaw the Unwholesome
- P'Thall
- Pale Fire
- Parnamuul
- Performing Hellhound
- Phaosth
- Pit Fiend Commander
- Plague Reaper
- Pride Leader Xilic
- Prince of Swords
- Princess Aurelia
- Protector of Xy'zzy
- Prysuul
- Purebred Hellhound
- Pyripnon
- Pyrodemon
- Quaron the Emissary
- Quartermaster
- Queen Lailat
- Quori Spinner
- Quori Stalker
- R'zz Fr'zz
- Ragmareth
- Rahab
- Rakshasa Lord
- Rakshasa Thaumaturge
- Raluca
- Rashad the Vizier
- Ravenous Dretch
- Ravenous Hezrou
- Razagnol
- Razor Arm
- Reality
- Red Abishai
- Red Abishai Invader
- Red Abishai Sky Raider
- Red Slaad
- Red Slaad Invader
- Red Weaver
- Redtooth
- Render of Madness
- Rhi'enne the Planetar
- Rhyll
- Rilvos
- Rogudun
- Ruins Hellhound
- Ruins Howler
- Ruul
- Sagrata
- Salamander Firebrand
- Salamander Firepike
- Salamander Flamecaller
- Salamander Flamesinger
- Saligia (Bearded Devil)
- Saligia (Orthon)
- Salteshka
- Scarlet
- Scarred Slaad
- Scintilla
- Sculpted Hound
- Serruul
- Shaarak
- Shadow Hag
- Shadow Wing
- Shadow of Hate
- Shadowfiend
- Shavarath Bearded Devil
- Shavarath Bebilith
- Shavarath Black Abishai
- Shavarath Blue Abishai
- Shavarath Dretch
- Shavarath Dretch Conscript
- Shavarath Fire Reaver
- Shavarath Firereaver
- Shavarath Fleshrender
- Shavarath Fleshrender Rogue
- Shavarath Green Abishai
- Shavarath Hellhound
- Shavarath Hezrou
- Shavarath Ice Flenser
- Shavarath Iceflenser
- Shavarath Jarilith
- Shavarath Red Abishai
- Shavarath White Abishai
- Shock Trooper of Shavarath
- Shufarix
- Siege Trooper of Shavarath
- Sister Polina
- Skeetchizen
- Smaragdus
- Snowball
- Sora Katra
- Spawn of Xithzul
- Spawn of Xy'zzy
- Squall (Abishai)
- Squeeky
- Stonegore
- Succubus
- Succubus Consort
- Succubus Double
- Succubus Enticer
- Succubus Huntress
- Succubus Tantalizer
- Summoned Bearded Devil
- Summoned Bebilith
- Summoned Blue Slaad
- Summoned Creature
- Summoned Dretch
- Summoned Efreeti
- Summoned Green Slaad
- Summoned Hellhound
- Summoned Orthon
- Summoned Red Slaad
- Summoned Vrock
- Suulomades
- Svalich Howler
- T'Zull
- Ta'ashveth
- Tafzul
- Tahmael
- Taranoth
- Tarvis
- Teargon
- Temple Hellhound
- Temple Salamander
- Thaarak Hound
- Thaktasten
- Thanuq'un
- Tharkuul
- Thazgol
- The Devourer of Dreams
- The Jailer
- The Judge
- The Spinner of Shadows (Monster)
- Tholatha
- Tothi
- Tower Flamesinger
- Tower Salamander
- Tower-bound Dretch
- Tower-bound Goristro
- Tras'ekhan
- Travaxis
- Turigulon
- Tyrtaeos
- Tyrzza
- Tzihisscl'ck
- Ulzarian
- Uncontrollable Urge
- Unholy Hellhound Escort
- Usurper of Dreams
- Utheseen
- Vanguard Barbazu
- Vanthoss
- Vargouille
- Vasilica
- Vengeance Reaper
- Vermin Keeper (Bearded Devil)
- Vessel Protector
- Vgorrok
- Vidhan
- Vitter