Epic Purging the Pantheon

From DDO Compendium
Raid Belt 4 Icon.png Epic Purging the Pantheon
Minimum Level: 26
Bound to Character on Acquire
  • Improved Quelling Strikes: On Vorpal Melee: applies Quell to target enemies for six seconds, rendering them unable to cast divine spells. This has a 50% chance of preventing the target from casting all spells for three seconds (12 second cooldown).
  • Fortification +185%: Passive: +185% Enhancement bonus to Fortification. (Fortification is a chance to negate additional damage incurred from Critical Hit or Sneak Attack. Some enemies can bypass a portion of your Fortification.)
  • Protection +14: This item protects its wearer by granting a +14 deflection bonus to AC.
  • Fire Absorption +43%: 43% Enhancement Bonus to fire absorption.
  • Light Absorption +10%: 10% Enhancement Bonus to light absorption.
  • Upgradeable - Primary Augment: This item can be upgraded to contain a Yellow, Blue or Red (weapons and shields only) augment. Bring this item to the Fountain of Necrotic Might outside the Black Mausoleum and combine it with Epic Tapestry Shreds to upgrade the item.
  • Upgradeable - Secondary Augment: This item can be upgraded to contain a Green, Orange (weapons and shields only) or Purple (weapons and shields only) augment. Bring this item to the Fountain of Necrotic Might outside the Black Mausoleum and combine it with Epic Tapestry Shreds to upgrade the item.

Material: This item is made out of: Leather
Hardness: 23 Durability: 180

This belt is covered with the holy symbols of many of the other deities, overlaid with newer symbols of a strange, arcane nature. The large buckle is stamped with an impression of the abbot's symbol.

Base Value: 10,420 Platinum 0.10 lbs
Where To Find: 
Fountain of Necrotic Might
  • Upgradeable - Primary Augment
Blue Augment Slot: Empty
Fountain of Necrotic Might
  • Upgradeable - Primary Augment
Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Fountain of Necrotic Might
  • Upgradeable - Secondary Augment
Green Augment Slot: Empty
This item replaced a different version by SSG in U41. Epic Purging the Pantheon (Pre U41) is the previous version.