Epic Eye of the Beholder

From DDO Compendium
Ring 12 Icon.png Epic Eye of the Beholder
Minimum Level: 27
Bound to Account on Acquire
  • Absorb Doomsphere Spells: This effect absorbs most spells cast by doomsphere eyestalks. Only a few such spells can be absorbed before the item ceases to function and must have time to dissipate the absorbed energy.
8 / 8 Charges(Recharged/Day: 8)
  • Deathblock VII: Passive 21% Enhancement Bonus to Negative Energy Absorption. In addition, you are immune to magical effects that can cause instant death.
  • Intelligence +11: Passive: +11 Enhancement bonus to Intelligence.
  • Wizardry X: Passive: +250 bonus to your spell point maximum. (If you have Sorcerer or Favored Soul levels, you gain additional spell points proportionate to the ratio of those levels to other classes).
  • Spell Saves +1: This item gives a +1 resistance bonus to your saves versus spells.
  • Upgradeable - Primary Augment: This item can be upgraded to contain a Yellow, Blue or Red (weapons and shields only) augment. Bring this item to the Fountain of Necrotic Might outside the Black Mausoleum and combine it with Epic Tapestry Shreds to upgrade the item.
  • Upgradeable - Secondary Augment: This item can be upgraded to contain a Green, Orange (weapons and shields only) or Purple (weapons and shields only) augment. Bring this item to the Fountain of Necrotic Might outside the Black Mausoleum and combine it with Epic Tapestry Shreds to upgrade the item.

Material: This item is made out of: Gold
Hardness: 23 Durability: 190

Cholthulzz's eye never blinks, having been mounted on this platinum band.

Base Value: 10,820 Platinum 0.10 lbs
Where To Find: 
Fountain of Necrotic Might
  • Upgradeable - Primary Augment
Blue Augment Slot: Empty
Fountain of Necrotic Might
  • Upgradeable - Primary Augment
Yellow Augment Slot: Empty
Fountain of Necrotic Might
  • Upgradeable - Secondary Augment
Green Augment Slot: Empty