Category:Wood Woad Race
Wood woads are powerful humanoid-shaped guardian plants. Each wood woad contains the soul of a creature that (willingly or otherwise) gave up its life in order to eternally perform a given duty.
The ritual that created a wood woad consists of removing the heart of a living person, planting a seed into it and placing it inside a cavity in a tree. The sacrificed creature's body is buried in the vicinity, and the tree is then bathed with the sacrifice's blood. After three days, a wood woad will sprout from the ground nearby, ready to receive its orders, which it will then follow forever or until otherwise relieved.
Wood woads that are freed from their duties sought others to serve and protect, and will commonly ally themselves with druids.
Pages in category "Wood Woad Race"
The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total.