Category:Quest Givers
From DDO Compendium
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Pages in category "Quest Givers"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 502 total.
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- Aaseamah Screven
- Abella Toth
- Acolyte Hestair
- Adamor Thellik
- Adrian Martikov
- Aelorin Ungive
- Aglaya Karushkin
- Agmont Juste
- Agon Uruhond
- Akakan
- Alatra the Gatekeeper
- Alban Kimble
- Alciana d'Deneith
- Alyn Farrago
- Alynda d'Cannith
- Amalgam
- Anabele d'Jorasco
- Anahu of the Turtle
- Anaka of Tanaroa
- Anazar Narroun
- Anders Solmor
- Anton Westmore
- Aratrix d'Phiarlan
- Archbishop Dryden
- Archin Muriose
- Arlsie Forr
- Asta the Deep-Minded
- Aster
- Aurben
- Aurelius
- Aurla Courson
- Avanti Moonwillow
- Awan
- Baldar the Bold
- Barana Talmere
- Barrow d'Kundarak
- Barthold Moncrief
- Basil Tallbarrow
- Basmore Trask
- Baudry Cartamon
- Belmont d'Cannith
- Berne Jorn
- Berrigan Enge
- Bimbog Jabyt
- Birtran Kenworthy
- Bittany Devile
- Bitterblood
- Black Nose Quint
- Blaze ar'Rhind (NPC)
- Borgo Makkan
- Borian Haldorak
- Bostwick Guern
- Bragdii Wyvernborne
- Bril Norgate
- Brother Augustus
- Brother Smyth
- Bruku
- Brunaccio Patroclus
- Brysen d'Deneith
- Burgundy Tir
- Burne the Magic-user
- Burnorh Galmok
- Burwick Borley
- Calliope Feldren
- Callumnie
- Calmert the Cleric
- Calyx Shattermoon
- Canon Terjon
- Capstone
- Carronade
- Carthy Cave
- Celia Pendrick
- Celwyn Ulth
- Cerise
- Cerra the Gatekeeper
- Chamberlain Cyrese Embree
- Channa d'Cannith
- Chessae Baenrahel
- Chief Ungurz
- Clipse
- Colam Mersein
- Coralay d'Phiarlan
- Cormul Haythorne
- Crag
- Craneclaw
- Crawben Bix
- Creighton Ebinor
- Croaker
- Cyan
- Cydonie
- Cyndrin Dorwell
- D'naria L'roshal
- Dabny d'Jorasco
- Dagobard Kell
- Dalsamira Courdry
- Dalwyneth
- Darmon Kosh
- Darsak
- Davian Martikov
- Davny Selkin
- Dead Girl
- Dectaran
- Delera Omaren IV
- Delethir Mistveil
- Delvarrion Iravati
- Derek Grospic
- Dessenau
- Dirge of Karrnath (NPC)
- Dirty Vingus
- Dolnour the Devout
- Dorris
- Draznok ar'Athad
- Drevok the Gatekeeper
- Dunwich Mornathan
- Durfryn Alearn
- Durk the Deranged
- Gale Estival
- Galton d'Deneith
- Ganilin the Fleet
- Garmor the Grim
- Garrison Felmar
- Garwyn Thane
- Gaspry Bennik
- Gatekeeper Chulkash
- Gatekeeper Trakash
- Gavin Northus
- Gellan Primewater
- Genna Tesamarides
- Geth
- Giggs Elorreathi
- Glitter Underhill
- Godwick Spurge
- Graden Wylkes
- Greezix
- Greigur d'Deneith
- Grem Alcorin
- Greyarra Auvryath
- Grilsha Targolova
- Grinwhite
- Guard Branson
- Guard Crichton
- Guard Jung
- Guard Kayd
- Guard Tember
- Gullwing
- Gunhild the Watchful
- Gunnar Bauerson
- Gunther Gloomtender
- Gustavine Kyerrh
- Gustor Miles
- Gwen Toriun