Hound of Xoriat

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 20:00, 30 September 2019 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)

The Daelkyr Lord is absent, however his hound remains to breed. If left unchecked, the Xoriat spawn will boil forth from the Subterrane onto the streets of Stormreach.


Brunaccio Patroclus, has learned of a large cavern beneath House Jorasco, accessible via the Subterrane. Using divination, he has discerned that the Mother Hound of Xoriat has taken the cavern as her own. The twelve are asking you find the entrance in the Subterrane, and destroy the lair.


Defeat Xy'zzy, Mother Hound of Xoriat

Named Loot


Pack: The Vale of Twilight
Heroic Level: 18
Bestowed by:  Brunaccio Patroclus
Length: Very Long
Takes Place in: Beneath the House Jorasco Enclave
This is a RAID
Found in: The Marketplace
Entrance in:  The Subterrane - East

Heroic XP

Normal: 8,200
Hard: 8,500
Elite: 8,800
Reaper: 125.6 RXP per skull


Patron: The Twelve
Solo/Casual: 4
Normal: 9
Hard: 18
Elite: 27
Hound of Xoriat Map.png