Maximum Overdrive

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 17:52, 4 March 2024 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)
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Enhancement Maximum Overdrive Icon.png

Maximum Overdrive

Ranks: 1
Points (per rank): 1
Cooldown: 5 Minutes
Benefits: Epic Moment: Activating MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE grants:

  • +100% boost to Rune Arm Charge Speed
  • +100% boost to Rune Arm Cooldown Speed
  • 50% reduction in Spell Cooldowns
  • +30% Action Boost bonus to Attack Speed
  • +50% Action Boost bonus to Movement Speed
  • Lasts 30 seconds

Epic Moment: Shift into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE. This grants you a 100% boost to Rune Arm Charge Speed and Cooldown Speed, a 50% reduction in Spell Cooldowns, a 30% Action Boost bonus to Attack Speed, and a 50% Action Boost bonus to Movement Speed for 30 seconds.
Enhancement Maximum Overdrive Icon.png

Machrotechnic - Maximum Overdrive

  • 30 Points spent in Tree
  • Level 30