Lyrandar Dragonmark Focus

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 19:20, 17 February 2022 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)
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Enhancement Lyrandar Dragonmark Focus Icon.png

Lyrandar Dragonmark Focus

Ranks: 3
Points (per rank): 1

Rank 1:
  • +1 Least and Lesser Dragonmark Use
  • +1 Balance
Rank 2:
  • +2 Least and Lesser Dragonmark Use
  • +2 Balance
Rank 3:
  • +3 Least and Lesser Dragonmark Use
  • +3 Balance
Enhancement Lyrandar Dragonmark Focus Icon.png

Half-Elf - Lyrandar Dragonmark Focus