Category:Red Dragon Race

From DDO Compendium
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Red dragons are covetous, evil creatures, interested only in their own well-being, vanity and the extension of their treasure hoards. They are supremely confident of their own abilities and are prone to making snap decisions without any forethought.

They are the most fearsome and cruel of the chromatic dragons, they breath a cone of fire. These dragons delight in ruin, death and destruction.

Red dragons are physically distinguished by their enormous size and wingspan. They have two large horns upon their heads, which point backwards toward their wings. They smell of smoke and sulfur.

Like all chromatic dragons, reds live their lives in cycles of activity and hibernation. While these cyclical rhythms areen't as extreme as green dragons, red dragons seal themselves within their lairs for upwards of ten years at a time. During their active periods they are known as voracious over-hunters, whose hunger ensurs that the populations of any nearby creatures do not grow beyond ecological stability.

Pages in category "Red Dragon Race"

The following 11 pages are in this category, out of 11 total.