House Cannith Enclave

From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 09:28, 18 February 2020 by Ague (talk | contribs) (update)
House Cannith is a human Dragonmarked House throughout Khorvaire. The humans of House Cannith bear the Mark of Making. The artificers and magewrights of House Cannith are responsible for most of the magical innovations of the past thousand years. House Cannith made great profit during the Last War by selling arms and warforged soldiers. The House was strongly based in Cyre but it was destroyed during the Last War.
Points of Interest
  • Cannith Crafting Chamber
Quest/Saga Givers
Other Dwellers
Lvl Ep Challenge Patron Adventure Pack Story Arc
4 - 15 N/A Lava Caves: Circles of Power House Cannith Vaults of the Artificers