
From DDO Compendium


This template is used on equipment for the SpellAugmentation enchantment. Spell Augmentation increases your sorcerer or wizard caster levels to specific schools.

Example Usage
{{SpellAugmentation||3|Fire}} Spell Augmentation 3: This item increases your caster level when casting sorcerer or wizard fire spells levels 1-3 by two.


{{SpellAugmentation|(Prefix)|(Spell Level)|(School)}}

Parameter Documentation
PrefixThis defines the prefix for spell augmentation. If left blank it uses regular.
Possible Values:
  • Lesser
  • Improved
  • Regular
Spell LevelThis is the maximum level of the spells that are augmented.
SchoolThis is the school of spells that are augmented, leave it blank for all spells.


Ignore any errors below this line, The errors occur because there is no input into the template, in the template itself.

Spell Augmentation {{{2}}}: This item increases your caster level when casting sorcerer or wizard Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{". by two.