
From DDO Compendium

How To Use This Template[edit]

The basic template for all monsters that are named.
Example of the Template in Use: Spinner Of Shadows

|name = <Name of the enemy>
|creaturetype = <What type of creature is this>
|race = <What race is the enemy>
|monstermanual = <What does the monster manual classify this as, leave blank if not in MM>
|alignment = <What is the alignment>
|color = <What color is this enemy, if it is a boss, leave this blank>
|boss = <What color is this boss, if it is not a boss, leave this blank>
|location = <What quest/challenge/wilderness area is this found in>
|specialattack = <Put any special attacks this enemy has>
|specialabilities = <Put any special abilities this enemy has>
|dr = <What dr's are here, use template:MonsterDR
|flavortext = <Put any Iconic text/message that this enemy says>
|description = <Describe the enemy>
|notes = <Are there special notes about this enemy>
|patchhistory = <Were there any patches, and what changed.>

The Template[edit]


Type: [[Category:{{{creaturetype}}} Monster Type]][[{{{creaturetype}}}]]
Race: [[Category:{{{race}}} Monster Race]][[{{{race}}}]]

Damage Reduction: {{{dr}}}

Description: {{{description}}}
