
From DDO Compendium
Revision as of 01:45, 12 December 2018 by MNDeveloper (talk | contribs)


Paralyzing Enchantment

Example Usage
{{Paralyzing}} Paralyzing: Any creature struck by this weapon must succeed on a Will DC: 17 save or be paralyzed. The target may attempt a new save to end the effect every several seconds; otherwise the paralysis lasts for 1 minute. Certain creatures, such as the Undead and Constructs, cannot be paralyzed.
{{Paralyzing|Improved}}Improved Paralyzing: Any creature struck by this weapon must succeed on a Will DC: 25 save or be paralyzed. The target may attempt a new save to end the effect every several seconds; otherwise the paralysis lasts for 1 minute. Certain creatures, such as the Undead and Constructs, cannot be paralyzed.


{{Paralyzing|(Paralyzing Version)}}

Parameter Documentation
Paralyzing VersionThe version of Paralyzing
Possible Values:
  • Regular (defaults if blank)
  • Improved
  • Legendary


Ignore any errors below this line, The errors occur because there is no input into the template, in the template itself.

Paralyzing: Any creature struck by this weapon must succeed on a Will DC: 17 save or be paralyzed. The target may attempt a new save to end the effect every several seconds; otherwise the paralysis lasts for 1 minute. Certain creatures, such as the Undead and Constructs, cannot be paralyzed.