Spare Hand (ML 11)

From DDO Compendium
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Spare Hand Icon.png Spare Hand
Minimum Level: 11
Bound to Account on Acquire
  • Riposte +2: This item enchants its user with incredible awareness and speed, granting a +2 Insight bonus to AC and to Saves.
  • Insightful Combat Mastery +3: +3 Insight bonus to the DC to resist the character's Trip, Improved Trip, Sunder, Improved Sunder, Stunning Blow, and Stunning Fist attempts.
  • Staggering Blow: This item is enchanted to make your attacks send enemies reeling. When you roll a natural 20 on an attack with a melee weapon you will knock the target down unless it makes a DC 17 Balance check.
  • Disable Device +14: +14 Competence bonus to Disable Device.
  • Open Lock +14: +14 Competence bonus to Open Lock.
  • Upgradeable - Tier 1: This is a tier 1 upgradeable item.

Material: This item is made out of: Leather
Hardness: 27 Durability: 120

A belt with a remarkable augmentation: a clawed hand that extends from it and will help you attack your foes and make tasks easier to perform.

Base Value: 4,405 Platinum 0.10 lbs
Where To Find: 
Vendor Location Qty Price Area
Gracelle DinmoreHouse Cannith Enclave1
400x Enchanted Armor Fragment
400x Jade Scorpion
400x Obsidian Arrowhead
Location Item Cost
Gracelle DinmoreRightArrowWithQuestion Icon.pngTier 2
400x Arcanaloth Scroll
400x Jeweled Goblet
400x Enchanted Armor Fragment
WeathervaneRightArrow Icon.pngML 15
300x Jeweled Goblet
300x Enchanted Armor Fragment
300x Jade Scorpion
Upgraded From: