
From DDO Compendium


This template is used on equipment for the Command enchantment.

Example Usage
{{Command}} Command: This armor or shield always appears brilliant and gleaming, no matter what the conditions and despite all attempts to paint over or obscure it. Coveted by military leaders of all sorts, it carries a powerful aura that grants a +2 competence bonus on Charisma-based skill checks. Command armor and command shields make their owners very noticeable, imposing a -6 penalty on Hide checks.




Command: This armor or shield always appears brilliant and gleaming, no matter what the conditions and despite all attempts to paint over or obscure it. Coveted by military leaders of all sorts, it carries a powerful aura that grants a +2 competence bonus on Charisma-based skill checks. Command armor and command shields make their owners very noticeable, imposing a -6 penalty on Hide checks.